সোমবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১৩

First lady reveals president's plan

(CNS News) In an e-mail to supporters, First Lady Michelle Obama says she grew up in a family that didn?t need help from the government, and that her husband is working to make Americans free from dependence on government once again.

In her message sent yesterday from democratparty@democrats.org, Mrs. Obama says:

?When I was growing up, a family like mine ? living on my hard-working father?s salary at the city water plant ? could build a solid life without much debt and without relying on any form of public assistance. Today, for too many families, that American promise is no longer within reach.

Source: http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/first-lady-reveals-presidents-plan/

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Canada marks 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

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Source: forums.canadiancontent.net --- Saturday, July 27, 2013
Canadians observed the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice at sombre ceremonies across the country Saturday. The events also marked the first official Korean War Veterans Day which will be held each year on July 27. "Establishing July 27 as a national day of recognition serves as a way to honour our veterans and this important moment in Canada's history," said Veterans Affairs minister Julian Fantino. "Today, Canadians will pause to remember the men and women in uniform who came to the aid of South Koreans during the Korean War." More than 26,000 Canadians came to the aid of South Koreans during the Korean War, and 516 lost their lives in the area. On July 27, 1953, the Korean War Armistice was signed, ending three years of fighting. Some 7,000 Canadians continued to serve there between the signing of the Armistice and the end of 1955, with some Canadian troops remaining until 1957. "South Koreans have never forgotten the courage and sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, and we have a duty to ensure Canadians never do either," MP Royal Galipeau said at a ceremony held at the National War Memorial in Ottawa. On Friday, Fantino unveiled a new monument dedicated to Canadians who fought during the Korean War and to those who served after the Armistice. Sun News : Canada marks 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice Story of Korean War in Colour (Documentary) - YouTube ...

Source: http://forums.canadiancontent.net/showthread.php?t=117417

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রবিবার, ২৮ জুলাই, ২০১৩

U.S. passes along surveillance of Kiwi journalist to New Zealand military

The Obama administration has once been revealed as an opponent of media freedom.

According to Fairfax NZ News report, U.S. spy agencies collected "metadata" phone records of New Zealand journalist Jon Stephenson.

This information was turned over to the New Zealand Defence Force, which was upset about Stephenson's revelations about the treatment of Afghan prisoners.

"New Zealand SAS troops in Kabul had access to the reports and were using them in active investigations into Stephenson," wrote Fairfax reporter Nicky Hager. "The sources believed the phone monitoring was being done to try to identify Stephenson's journalistic contacts and sources. They drew a picture of a metadata tree the Defence Force had obtained, which included Stephenson and named contacts in the Afghan government and military."

In 2009, Stephenson revealed how New Zealand soldiers were involved in human-rights abuses in Afghanistan. This came when they turned over prisoners to U.S. and Afghan authorites, who allegedly relied on torture.

He elaborated on that in a 2011 television interview, pointing out that he had located former prisoners who spoke openly about being tortured.

Attorney general cracked down on media

Meanwhile, U.S. attorney general Eric Holder has told the Russian government that if National Security Agency whistle blower Edward Snowden is returned to America, he won't receive the death penalty.

Earlier this year, Snowden released details of the U.S. government's massive metadata-phone-surveillance program, which enabled it to track calls like the ones made by Stephenson.?

In a separate attack on press freedom, Holder justified the seizure of phone records from Associated Press on the basis of protecting the U.S.?This came after the wireservice revealed details about a CIA operation in Yemen.

President Barack Obama has since ordered the Department of Justice to review the way it addresses freedom of the media.

Amid all of this, U.S. lawyer and press-freedom advocate James Goodale told a Russian news service that Obama is the greatest threat to the media since Richard Nixon was president.

Goodale, who defended the New York Times after the leak of the Pentagon Papers, pointed out that Obama has pursued six leakers, including WikiLeaks cofounder Julian Assange. The Obama administration has also gone after a reporter, James Risen.

"If he?s pursuing Julian Assange as a co-conspirator and succeeds he?ll be worse than Nixon because Nixon tried to go after the New York Times and its reporters saying they were co-conspirators, but Nixon failed," Goodale added.

Read the full interview?here.

The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald has declared that Obama is already worse than Nixon. He told CNN that Obama has charged with more leakers under the Espionage Act than all other U.S. presidents combined.

Obama and the First Amendment

The irony is that Obama once taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago.?

"I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the constitution," he declared in 2007.

The First Amendment of the U.S. constitution declares that Congress shall not pass any law that abridges freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

Obama has tried to paper over his administration's contempt for the First Amendment by publicly supporting a federal shield law, which will enable journalists to keep sources confidential.

But as the executive director of the First Amendment Center, Gene Policinski, recently noted, this comes just as the Justice Department is prosecuting Private Bradley Manning for disclosing information to WikiLeaks.

A Congressional version of the shield law would only offer this protection to people who gather news "for financial gain or livelihood". WikiLeaks is a nonprofit media organization, so this legislation wouldn't stop the government from throwing Manning or Assange into the slammer.

Both the Senate and Congressional versions would also exclude "agents of a foreign power" from coming under a shield law. This could have the effect of ruling out journalists for CBC, BBC, or news services owned by other governments.

Obama is starting to talk a good game about freedom of the media. But the reality is that any shield law will probably only protect journalists working for media outlets owned by large U.S. corporations.

For the most part, these reporters and editors are the least likely to get upset about the Obama administration's extrajudicial assassinations, attacks on foreign journalists, and eagerness to prosecute Snowden, Assange, and Manning.

After all, they have mortgages to pay, kids to put through college, and medical-insurance premiums that would cause some scribes in other countries to think twice before taking a major career risk.

U.S. journalists working for major media outlets have become part of the bourgeoisie and form a key part of Obama's constituency of supporters on national-security matters.

In the meantime, expect the snooping of the phone calls of foreign journalists like Jon Stephenson to continue unabated.

Source: http://www.straight.com/news/404976/us-passes-along-surveillance-kiwi-journalist-new-zealand-military

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TRAIL OF DESTRUCTION: Shocking photos show NYC hotel room Amanda Bynes trashed before ?cabbing? it to California, where she remains in psychiatric hold

Piles of of garbage, ashes, cosmetics, and even a destroyed smoke alarm can be seen in the photos taken inside Amanda Bynes' hotel room.


Piles of of garbage, ashes, cosmetics and even a destroyed smoke alarm can be seen in the photos taken inside Amanda Bynes' hotel room.

Days before Amanda Bynes landed in enforced psychiatric hold in Los Angeles, the "Easy A" actress trashed a room in New York City's Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The 27-year-old former child star, who was last spotted in New York on July 17, left mounds of garbage in her wake, scattering ashes, cosmetic products, empty soda bottles and other detritus around the room.


According to TMZ, Bynes was kicked out of the hotel for smoking marijuana and ran up a $9,000 bill during a nine-day stay in the swanky digs.

The pictures show a destroyed smoke alarm hanging from the ceiling. The damaged alarm is consistent with claims that Bynes' parents, Rick and Lynn Bynes, made?in a filing seeking temporary conservatorship of their daughter, who they believe has run off the rails and requires immediate help.


According to her parents, Bynes had become "extremely paranoid" about being watched. She would cover smoke alarms with towels, tape windows shut, and cover her car's dashboard with cardboard and tape due to fears "cameras were watching her."

Bynes' parents claim that they have no idea how their daughter got from Southern California from New York, as she has no formal identification. According to the filing, Bynes told them she "cabbed it."?


"We believe she is essentially homeless," the filing states.

The request came after Bynes was forcibly hospitalized to examine her mental state after an incident in which Bynes began a fire in a driveway around the block from her parents' house.


Bynes and her parents had been estranged in recent months, but they filed for conservatorship over concerns that "Amanda poses a substantial risk to herself to others and to property based on recent events in her life."

Bynes has also apparently blown through $1.2 million of her $4 million in savings in a "very short amount of time."


Doctors plan to hold Amanda for two more weeks in a psychiatric ward to further evaluate her. A California judge will rule on her mother's request for conservatorship after speaking with Bynes when she is released from hospitalization.?

The actress is due to appear in court in Manhattan on Sept. 26.?


Bynes? downward spiral began with a DUI arrest in Hollywood in 2012. Since then, her increasingly bizarre behavior has nabbed headlines and sparked rampant speculation about the state of her mental health.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/nydnrss/entertainment/~3/prOqtbSuSKY/story01.htm

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[video] ubuntu for android in action (not ubuntu touch!)


Today, 06:23 PM

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With all the news about the Ubuntu Edge and Canonical's plans for Ubuntu Touch to be the future of convergent computing, you may have forgotten that Canonical is still working on Ubuntu for Android. Ubuntu for Android is essentially the same idea as Ubuntu Touch, where you get a full Ubuntu desktop environment when you dock a mobile device, but with the difference that the handset runs Android, not Ubuntu Touch.

Canonical engineer Victor Palau is showing off Ubuntu for Android running through a Nexus 4, which is hooked up to an external monitor via a Slimport HDMI cable. As you can see in the video, it does give access to full Ubuntu, complete with workspaces, and the Ubuntu Software Centre. But, as you can also see, the Nexus 4 struggles with the system. Windows stutter when moving, and overall performance is slow.

This could very well be partially due to the system not being optimized properly for the hardware in a Nexus 4, but part of it could simply be that the Nexus 4 isn't powerful enough. The Ubuntu Edge is planned to have the "fastest available" processor and "at least 4GB of RAM", while the Nexus 4 has a year old Snapdragon S4 Pro and just 2GB of RAM. Now we can see that "convergence hump" that Mark Shuttleworth talked about yesterday.

Phonearena & OMG!Ubuntu!

Source: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2379614&goto=newpost

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শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই, ২০১৩

Four more women accuse San Diego mayor of sexual misconduct

SAN DIEGO | Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:37am EDT

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Four more women, including a retired U.S. Navy admiral and a college dean, came forward on Thursday to publicly accuse San Diego Mayor Bob Filner of making unwanted sexual advances toward them, as local party leaders called on him to resign.

The latest allegations leveled at Filner during a group interview of the four women by public television station KPBS brought to seven the number of women who have come forth since earlier this week to accuse the 70-year-old Democrat and former congressman of sexual harassment.

Meanwhile, the San Diego County Democratic Party Central Committee voted 34-6 to approve a non-binding resolution calling on Filner to step down.

(Reporting by Marty Graham; Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Eric Beech)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/B_AmJ6PcHbc/story01.htm

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