শুক্রবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

NY's latest sex scandal dogged by sordid past

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) ? It was an odd assignment for the young, pretty staffer when she was ordered to go along on a trip to Atlantic City with her boss. But the reason soon became clear.

She said she spent much of the trip struggling to fend off the advances and kisses of 72-year-old Brooklyn Assemblyman Vito Lopez. He was persistent, she said, and eventually put his hand between her legs.

She and another female staffer said it was part of a regular routine of office harassment that included inappropriate touching and comments about their bodies, how they dressed and even how they were getting along with their boyfriends. They said the job included writing letters to Lopez about how much they loved their jobs ? letters Lopez complained were "insufficiently effusive," according to his official censure.

The accusations that emerged over the summer are hardly unusual in a state capital, especially Albany, which has such a rich history of sexual misconduct by lawmakers that it has its own, unwritten Las Vegas-like code: What happens north of Bear Mountain stays there.

But what began as a relatively modest scandal has pierced the veil of the so-called Bear Mountain Compact, unraveling in public before a state ethics committee, revealing more sexual misconduct accusations against Lopez and a secret six-figure payoff to the accusers with taxpayer money that was approved by one of the most powerful lawmakers in the state.

That lawmaker, Democratic Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, was initially singed by the scandal, with some political opponents calling for his resignation. A special prosecutor is investigating whether crimes were committed, and a wide-ranging probe by the state's nascent ethics watchdog is exploring the roles played by other powerful Democrats, including the attorney general and comptroller.

How effectively the Joint Commission on Public Ethics handles the politically charged case will reflect on the man who created it as part of his campaign promise to "clean up" Albany: Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, long considered a possible presidential candidate in 2016.

"You will always find situations where people do things wrong," Cuomo said. "You will always find situations where people in power make mistakes, or abuse their power, or abuse their authority, or are corrupt or venal."

"The question becomes when people make a mistake, or when a bad thing is done, what is the response?"

In the case of Lopez, a longtime Democratic dealmaker who was lampooned in New York City tabloid headlines as "King Leer" and "Gropez," the allegations that emerged over the summer were found credible by New York's Assembly ethics committee. The panel censured him Aug. 24, and Silver stripped Lopez of seniority perks and power.

The censure revealed a previously unknown set of accusations against Lopez made in June that were settled secretly with $103,000 in public money approved by Silver. That deal was crafted with input from lawyers with the attorney general's and comptroller's offices.

Lopez, who has called the scandal an "onslaught of character attacks," said: "I have never sexually harassed any staff, and I hope and intend to prove in the coming months the political nature of these accusations."

Cuomo is the third governor in a row to try to put more teeth in ethics oversight. Four years before Cuomo took office, Democrat Eliot Spitzer created his own ethics board to sanitize Albany, only to resign amid charges he solicited prostitutes. His Democratic successor, David Paterson, was forced to admit on just his second day in office that he had affairs with a "number of women" while a state senator.

Such clashes of sex and power have become part of the lore of Albany, where a cluster of taverns a short walk from the Capitol had for years featured a loud mix of pols and young staffers mingling over scotch and steaks. In the 1990s, the New York Post's front page declared Albany "Sin City."

And a decade ago, the Albany County district attorney investigating claims of sexual harassment and rape in the Capitol put it this way: "Any father who would let his daughter be an intern in the state Legislature should have his head examined."

After the initial flurry, Silver appears to have blunted any serious threat to his power from this scandal.

Silver, a 69-year-old lawyer from Manhattan, is one of Albany's most powerful, little-understood and private of figures, called "the Sphinx" by some for his ability to prevail in budgets and policy.

A renowned political strategist, he may even have strengthened his position by making sexual harassment harder to get away with. By publicly admitting he was wrong to seal the case with a confidentiality agreement and promising not to do any others, he issued a strong early warning to lawmakers.

Democratic Assemblyman John McEneny says the Lopez case has already struck back at sexual harassment, just as previous reforms to the legislative intern program addressed some of the barhopping and relationships with young ? usually female ? staffers.

"Individually, there will always be a problem as long as there are human beings," said McEneny, a member of the Assembly ethics committee. "But institutionally, we tend to take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nys-latest-sex-scandal-dogged-sordid-past-070441151.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Press Review ? Income tax hike in public, private sectors and ...

?European Commission wants fast update on TSU replacement?, writes P?blico, after the government announced it would be replacing the controversial TSU measure, which aimed to decrease company-paid social security contributions while increasing those of employees to help lower the country?s deficit. The daily also adds that the coalition government is unsure how to foster economic growth, as the latest figures regarding fiscal revenues reveal yet another drop in VAT, once again affecting the budgetary execution.

Correio da Manh?
?New tax takes away bonus from private sector?, reports Correio da Manh?, as the government plans to replace the controversial TSU measure by hiking taxes on income, capital gains and property, with private sector workers losing one monthly bonus like public servants. The measure is dividing opinions among bosses and trade unions.

Di?rio de Not?cias
?CDS refuses permanent tax hike?, writes?Di?rio de Not?cias, revealing that after the recent political crisis the conservatives of junior coalition partner CDS-PP are cautious about austerity measures and would rather introduce a temporary surtax on income. The newspaper also reports that budgetary execution data reveal that the collection of income taxes increased 13.7% with regard to 2011, but there was an overall drop in fiscal revenues.

Jornal de Not?cias
?Over 2 million will see salaries drop in January?, reports?Jornal de Not?cias, about the government?s new attempt to raise revenues by hiking income taxes to meet the deficit targets for 2013. The daily also reveals the figures behind the overall drop in fiscal revenues, as car taxes dropped 44.4%, taxes on tobacco fell 10.8%, and corporate taxes slumped 22.9%, as unemployment benefits grew 22% compared to last year.

?The great step backwards?, writes i, about the government?s U-turn on its controversial measure that sought to change social security contributions, as figures reveal that Portugal?s public accounts slumped ever further despite the government?s austerity drive, and that Minister of the Economy ?lvaro Santos Pereira wants to lower severance pay even further.

Di?rio Econ?mico
?Government launches new tax on financial transactions?, reports financial daily Di?rio Econ?mico, as the cabinet announced it will return part of the Christmas and holiday bonuses to public servants and pensioners while compensating this with the creation of a new tax on financial transactions, among other fiscal measures. The newspaper also reports that Portugal?s debt was revised up to 124% of GDP for 2013.

Jornal de Neg?cios
?Income tax hike in public, private sectors and pensions?, reveals financial newspaper Jornal de Neg?cios, as the government seeks to replace the controversial changes to social security contributions by hiking taxes on income, capital gains and property, as recent data show there is a ?2bn slippage in this year?s budgetary execution, with the hole in social security, VAT and corporate tax growing larger.

A Bola
?Lion uprising?, writes A Bola, as Sporting Lisbon defeated Gil Vicente 2-1 and managed to overcome its losing streak in this year?s Portuguese League.

?Lions gain new lease on life?, reports Record, as Sporting Lisbon finally wins a match in the Portuguese League, defeating Gil Vicente 2-1.

O Jogo
?Shake-up?, writes O Jogo, after Sporting managed its first victory this year, in its match against Gil Vicente.

Source: http://www.portugaldailyview.com/whats-new/press-review/press-review-income-tax-hike-in-public-private-sectors-and-pensions

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বুধবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Congo allows firm to hunt for oil in Virunga park


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সোমবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Joseph Gordon-Levitt strips on 'SNL'

By Susan Hornik, TODAY contributor

Nbc / Dana Edelson/NBC

"SNL" host Joseph Gordon-Levitt, second from right, showed off his moves during the opening monologue.

If you thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt was a versatile actor, his performance as host on "Saturday Night Live" this week likely increased your appreciation for his ... umm ... body of work.?

When he manned the show in 2009, he impressed viewers with his musical talents. This time, Gordon-Levitt showed off his moves and tipped his hat to friend Channing Tatum during his opening monologue by doing a "Magic Mike"-inspired dance with cast members Bobby Moynihan, Jay Pharoah and Taran Killam to the song "It's Raining Men." (Unfortunately, a full clip isn't available online, but you might have some luck on YouTube.)

The Twitter universe was immediately abuzz after Gordon-Levitt's sexy dance. Viewer?@ChristinaLavery's tweet?summed up a popular sentiment after the actor's "Magic" moves aired:?"Best thing I've ever seen! God I love him."

The "SNL" episode also featured two ?Tres Equis? parody beer commercials, showing Gordon-Levitt as the son of the ?Most Interesting Man in the World.? Whereas the ?Dos Equis? guy?s life is rife with glamour and intrigue, his sleazeballish son's much less interesting non-accomplishments include ?kind of being able to break dance,? ?being able to make a woman cringe just by walking into a room? and when tipping, he puts ?a negative amount ... and says it?s cash back.?

Gordon-Levitt's character describes Tres Equis as ?one Equis more than my dad?s beer, because he was never there for me. Two parts Dos Equis, one part none of your business. Keep banging, my friends.?

All seemed to go well in the second skit until the senior "Most Interesting Man in the World" interrupts the filming to voice his extreme displeasure over his 30-year-old son's lack of success and neverending mooching.

Another memorable moment came with "Weekend Update." It featured Kate McKinnon as Republican first-lady hopeful Ann Romney acknowledging that the campaign was getting to her and her husband, defending her recent comments lashing out at her husband's critics.?

"The campaign has meant many sacrifices to our schedule. It's fall and we're missing apple-picking season," which is like ?Mormon Mardi Gras. I once drank so much cider I woke up the next morning in my bed, wearing my pajamas!? Mrs. Romney explained to "Weekend Update" host Seth Meyers.

What did you think of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's "Magic Mike" dance? Which was your favorite skit? Tell us on our Facebook page!

More in The Clicker:

Source: http://theclicker.today.com/_news/2012/09/23/14049016-joseph-gordon-levitt-does-magic-mike-dance-on-saturday-night-live?lite

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রবিবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

8 Safe & Easy Ways to Use Aromatherapy at Home | Care2 Healthy ...

  • Shubhra Krishan
  • September 21, 2012
  • 11:30 am

get healthy living updates

Essential oils are a time-tested tool for healing a staggering number of discomforts ranging from muscle fatigue to depression. Delve into their wonderful world, and you could beat back day-to-day health problems without rushing to a clinic.

How to Blend Essential Oils:

  • Essential oils should be diluted with cold-pressed carrier oils so that they don?t cause irritation or other reactions.
  • Carrier oils are base oils that help ?carry? the essential oil onto your skin and senses. These are usually derived from nuts, kernels or seeds. Examples: sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, grapeseed oil, hazelnut oil and such.
  • For every ounce of carrier oil, use 5 to 10 drops of essential oil.
  • For 1 tub of bath water, use 6 to 8 drops of essential oil.
  • Make sure the oil you?re using is genuine. Pure oil is more watery than oily. It is usually packaged in a dark blue or brown bottle, so that the liquid is preserved.


Next: Anxious? Tired? 8 ways to heal yourself with aromatherapy

Read more: Anxiety, General Health, Health, Life, Natural Remedies, Self-Help, Spirit, aromatherapy, energy, essential oils, happiness, healing, health, home, nature, oil, organic, peace, sleep, spirit, stress

Shubhra Krishan

Writer, editor and journalist Shubhra Krishan is the author of Essential Ayurveda: What it is and what it can do for you (New World Library, 2003), Radiant Body, Restful Mind: A Woman's book of comfort (New World Library, 2004), and The 9 to 5 Yogi: How to feel like a sage while working like a dog (Hay House India, 2011).

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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/8-safe-easy-ways-to-use-aromatherapy-at-home.html

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শনিবার, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Fixed 2nd Home loan Financial loan Rates ? Home Equity Debt ...

Home equity by jacobgrierWhether or not you have received an unfavorable credit rating ratings card or or else then you will however be capable to qualify to borrow. The only real distinction is always that if you have a bad credit history card then you will just receive a decreased percentage when compared to the personal who has a very good credit history card .
Source: pace-aaf.org


More Mortgages Make It To Closing As Mortgage Rates Slip To New Lows

Dan Green. NMLS #227607. Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee, 031.0005658. Ohio Residential Mortgage Licensee LO.034597.000, 10979 Reed Hartman Hwy, Suite 118A Cincinnati, OH 45242. This is not a commitment to lend. All rights reserved. Waterstone Mortgage Corp. (NMLS #186434) is a wholly owned subsidiary of WaterStone Bank SSB. (NASDAQ: WSBF). State of Ohio licensee exempt.
Source: themortgagereports.com

Advantages of Home Equity Loans

There are also tax advantages of using a home equity loan.? Up to $100,000 of interest paid on a home-equity loan is tax deductible for married couples filing jointly.? Tighter tax restrictions apply to borrowers who take out home equity loans that, along with a first mortgage, raise the debt to a level above the value of the property.? If this is the case only a portion of the interest on the home equity debt is deductible.? Also, equity loans used for home improvement resemble first mortgages for tax purposes and have higher caps on the interest that can be deducted.
Source: movingtopdx.com

Finding the Best Equity Home Loan Rate

A home equity line of credit is a special type of revolving credit where you give your home as security. Home is the largest asset for every client, therefore most of the homeowners use equity line only for crucial purposes like home improvements, paying medical bills, education; infact no one would like to use it for daily routine expenses.
Source: newbornrodeo.com

Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan

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Source: homeequitydebtconsolidationco.com

Fixed Rate Home Equity Loan

This difference between a normal home equity loan with fixed interest rate and a home equity line of credit elongates to the point of payment structure. In case of fixed rate home equity loan, you can avail the amount of money for a certain period of time, and you have drawn the entire amount at the time of the closing. But in the second case, the loan amount is available as a series of lien. If you are in a need of urgent fund of large amount, then it is advisable to go for the standard home equity loan with fixed interest rate, rather than home equity line of credit loan.
Source: piensachile.org

2nd week for falling mortgage rates

WHAT I THINK:?The market value of home-loan contracts to potential investors is so meaningless that Congress is never going to be able to replace government-backed Fannie and Freddie. Consider refinancers. There are 3 buckets of borrowers trying to reduce their payments; (1) the underwater borrower that can?t pay; (2) the underwater borrower that can pay but won?t pay; (3) the neighbor that may or may not have equity and does the honorable thing making the monthly payments regardless. This neighbor honors the contract. However, this neighbor is none too happy that others take liberties, ignoring the contract and receiving loan modifications. The best way to honor our system of contracts is to mail the keys back to the lender if you can?t afford the monthly house payment.?Believe it or not, borrowers can turn around and get regular refinances after loan payment modifications (debt forgiveness borrowers are not eligible). Loan modifications are typically reported on one?s credit report. Fannie Mae allows for a borrower that has 24 months of on-time payments on a loan payment modification to be able to qualify for a regular refinance-so long as the borrower would otherwise qualify. Freddie Mac requires between a 4 and 7 year waiting period. In addition, borrowers must go through standard qualifying. We might as way get rid of the ?I promise to pay? part of every note and deed of trust and replace it with ?payment loopholes and exceptions? with every meaningless Fannie or Freddie home loan.
Source: posterous.com

Steps About How To Finance Home Improvements Using Loans

If the house you have is something which is already quite old, it seems that you should make a lot of changes. One is by updating important items, like flooring, countertops, as well as plumbing fixtures. This will add personal and monetary value for the abode, despite being costly. However, loans are available as a means on how to finance home improvements.
Source: personalloansrates.net

Home Equity Loans ? A Walkthrough Guide of Home Loans

Unlike many other loans and credit cards, home equity loans are secured. This means that your house is used as collateral. For example, if your house if worth $300,000, and you?ve paid off $50,000, you still owe $250,000. However, if the value of the house has increased from $300,000 to $350,000, you have $100,000 of equity. You can borrow money against this $100,000 by using a home equity loan. At the same time, it is important to remember that if you default on your payments, your home could be taken as collateral to cover the losses of the bank or mortgage company.
Source: superhomeloansguide.com

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  4. Financial Benefits of Mortgage Refinance Grow as Treasury Bonds Rates Hit All
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Tags: home, home equity loans, Mortgage, reed hartman hwy, residential mortgage licensee

Source: http://homeequitydebtconsolidationco.com/fixed-2nd-home-loan-financial-loan-rates/

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শুক্রবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Opera Mini for Android updated with new Smart Page

Android Central

Opera Mini 7.5 has been released, which is the first significant update to the browser since it launched over the spring. Opera Mini now has something called a Smart Page, which provides a broad overview of what's going on online, and includes separate tabs for social, news, and suggested links. 

As always, Opera Mini compresses your web viewing so it zips along much more speedily than it would if being processed locally. That's the theory, anyway. Opera's been doing this kind of thing for a long time, and have become pretty good at it. There are some other fancier features, like Link, which syncs up history, bookmarks, and notes from your browsing with the desktop (though that means you've got to be using Opera on your computer too). 

Which mobile browser do you use? Is the stock Android browser good enough, or is there something in particular that third parties that you can't get elsewhere? Anyone interested in giving this one a shot?

Source: Opera


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/PdjrikYmn5g/story01.htm

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Shakira Expecting First Child With Boyfriend Gerard Pique

'As some of you may know, Gerard and I are very happy awaiting the arrival of our first baby!' Shakira posted on her official website Wednesday.
By Christina Garibaldi

Shakira and Gerard Piqué
Photo: Getty Images

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1694134/shakira-pregnant.jhtml

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Prices of Foreclosed Homes Rise Dramatically in the Second Quarter

The prices of homes that have gone through the foreclosure process rose sharply during the spring, but sales of foreclosed homes, thanks to the rising costs, took a steep dive, according to a report from Business Insider.

Sources say that banks are increasingly likely to sit on homes rather than place them on the open market, which has helped inflate the prices of the few available homes.

And an increase in homeowners, coupled with the diminished supply of homes, has turned the current home inventory into a seller?s market in many areas of the country.

Foreclosed Homes Remain an Economic Albatross

After the recession struck in 2008, tens of thousands of homeowners across the United States found themselves unable to make their mortgage payments.

And the problem still plagues Americans today. At last count, roughly 1.47 million homes are in some stage of the foreclosure process, according to sources.

Many of these homeowners will eventually become victims of foreclosure, although some may be able to delay or even prevent foreclosure by filing for bankruptcy.

The homes that aren?t protected in bankruptcy often fall into the hands of lenders, and those lenders now have a grasp on a significant portion of the U.S. housing market, which seems to be experiencing some sort of recovery.

According to Business Insider, the combination of a shrinking housing inventory and increased demand for new homes during the traditionally active spring season helped boost housing prices from April to June.

In fact, the cost of bank-owned homes and other residences stuck in the foreclosure process saw its largest annual increase since 2006, before the recession struck.

Prices of Foreclosed Homes Rise But Inventory Shrinks

Sources indicate that, of the 620,751 foreclosed homes that are held by various lending institutions, only about 15 percent are actually for a sale, which is a remarkably small portion of the total inventory.

And thanks to the difficulty of selling these homes through the traditional foreclosure process, many banks have opted to unload their excess properties through short sales.

In a short sale, the lender agrees to accept less money than the amount that the original homeowner had left to pay on the mortgage. In exchange, the lender gets to sell the property quickly, and avoid much of the hassle of a formal foreclosure.

In the first half of 2012, the number of short sales on properties that had not yet entered foreclosure rose 18 percent, which shows that both lenders and buyers are finding short sales to be a more attractive alternative.

Source: http://www.clearbankruptcy.com/blog/prices-of-foreclosed-homes-rise-dramatically-in-the-second-quarter/

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বুধবার, ১৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Some Informative Facts on Debt Relief Order | ListFree.org

Debt relief order or DRO is a financial order guaranteed by insolvency service to help borrowers in clearing of existing debts. It is cheaper and preferable form of bankruptcy in which all included debts written off after one year.

ListFree.org (Press Release) - Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 -

Debt relief order or DRO is a financial order guaranteed by insolvency service to help borrowers in clearing of existing debts. It is cheaper and preferable form of bankruptcy in which all included debts written off after one year. However, it is necessary to meet with certain conditions to go for this option. If you have unmanageable debts up to ?15,000 and you are residing at England or Wales then this option can help to eliminate your debts.

You can obtain debt relief order through authorized intermediary who works for competent authorities. Financial status of debtors will be examined before approval of DRO. Your financial situation should meet with certain situations that include your assets should not be more than ?300, you can keep a car worth ?1000, you surplus income should not be more than ?50 after spending on household expenses.

Assets only include realizable assets, necessary household things like washing machine, TV etc. Before considering this option, you may take advice from debt experts. Cost of DRO is ?90 that you could pay over six months. It is quite cheaper option than Bankruptcy.

You can add rent, telephone bills, gas, electricity and council tax in this repayment option. Credit card debts, overdrafts and unsecured loans are also eligible for this option. Other debts like HP agreements, conditional sale, buy now pay later deals, benefit overpayments and social fund loans can be included in this option. However, it doesn?t include the debts like court fines, student loans, confiscation orders, child support and maintenance cost etc. You will be responsible for such payments.

Debt Relief Order eliminate all include debts after 12 months period. But if your financial situation improves then you need to pay off your debts that will be decided by the intermediary. These are some important things about DRO that you must know before enrolling in this option.

ListFree.org: Embedded data.


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Source: http://www.listfree.org/53289-some-informative-facts-on-debt-relief-order.html

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New NIST screening method identifies 1,200 candidate refrigerants to combat global warming

New NIST screening method identifies 1,200 candidate refrigerants to combat global warming [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Sep-2012
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Contact: Laura Ost
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new computational method for identifying candidate refrigerant fluids with low "global warming potential" (GWP) the tendency to trap heat in the atmosphere for many decades as well as other desirable performance and safety features.

The NIST effort is the most extensive systematic search for a new class of refrigerants that meet the latest concerns about climate change. The new method was used to identify about 1,200 promising, low-GWP chemicals* for further study among some 56,000 that were considered. Only about 60 of these have boiling points low enough to be suitable for common refrigeration equipment, an indication of how difficult it is to identify usable fluids.

The ongoing NIST project is a response to U.S. industry interest in a new generation of alternative refrigerants that already are required for use in the European Union.

The refrigerants now used in cars and homes are mainly hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). They were adopted a generation ago in the effort to phase out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which deplete the stratospheric ozone layer. An example is R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), which replaced ozone-depleting chemicals in automobile air conditioners and home refrigerators. R-134a now is being phased out in Europe because HFCs remain in the atmosphere for many years, yielding a high GWP. A compound's GWP is defined as the warming potential of one kilogram of the gas relative to one kilogram of carbon dioxide. R-134a has a GWP of 1,430, much higher than the GWP of 150 or less now mandated for automotive use in Europe.

Promising low-GWP chemicals include fluorinated olefins, which react rapidly with atmospheric compounds and thus will not persist for long periods.

"What industry is trying to do is be prepared, because moving from a GWP in the thousands or tens of thousands to a GWP of 150 is an enormous challenge, both economically and technologically," says NIST chemist Michael Frenkel. "We decided to leverage the tools NIST has been developing for the last 15 years to look into the whole slew of available chemicals."

The affected industry is huge: The U.S. air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment manufacturing industry ships about $30 billion in goods annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

NIST has extensive experience evaluating alternative refrigerants, having previously helped the refrigeration industry find replacements for CFCs.**

The new NIST method estimates GWP by combining calculations of a compound's radiative efficiency (a measure of how well it absorbs infrared radiation) and atmospheric lifetime, both derived from molecular structure. Additional filtering is based on low toxicity and flammability, adequate stability, and critical temperature (where the compound's liquid and gas properties converge) in a desirable range. The method was applied to 56,203 compounds and identified 1,234 candidates for further study. The method, which was validated against available literature data, is accurate and fast enough for virtual screening applications. The approach is similar to the large-scale virtual screening and computational design methods for discovering new pharmaceuticals.

The screening is the initial stage of a larger study funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The next step will be to further narrow down the candidates to a couple dozen suitable for detailed investigation in refrigeration cycle modeling.


* A. Kazakov, M.O. McLinden and M. Frenkel. Computational design of new refrigerant fluids based on environmental, safety, and thermodynamic characteristics. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Article ASAP, Publication Date (Web): September 4, 2012. DOI: 10.1021/ie3016126

**See 2007 NIST Tech Beat article, "NIST Releases Major Update of Popular REFPROP Database," at www.nist.gov/public_affairs/techbeat/tb2007_0412.htm#refprop.

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New NIST screening method identifies 1,200 candidate refrigerants to combat global warming [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 18-Sep-2012
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Contact: Laura Ost
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new computational method for identifying candidate refrigerant fluids with low "global warming potential" (GWP) the tendency to trap heat in the atmosphere for many decades as well as other desirable performance and safety features.

The NIST effort is the most extensive systematic search for a new class of refrigerants that meet the latest concerns about climate change. The new method was used to identify about 1,200 promising, low-GWP chemicals* for further study among some 56,000 that were considered. Only about 60 of these have boiling points low enough to be suitable for common refrigeration equipment, an indication of how difficult it is to identify usable fluids.

The ongoing NIST project is a response to U.S. industry interest in a new generation of alternative refrigerants that already are required for use in the European Union.

The refrigerants now used in cars and homes are mainly hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). They were adopted a generation ago in the effort to phase out chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which deplete the stratospheric ozone layer. An example is R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), which replaced ozone-depleting chemicals in automobile air conditioners and home refrigerators. R-134a now is being phased out in Europe because HFCs remain in the atmosphere for many years, yielding a high GWP. A compound's GWP is defined as the warming potential of one kilogram of the gas relative to one kilogram of carbon dioxide. R-134a has a GWP of 1,430, much higher than the GWP of 150 or less now mandated for automotive use in Europe.

Promising low-GWP chemicals include fluorinated olefins, which react rapidly with atmospheric compounds and thus will not persist for long periods.

"What industry is trying to do is be prepared, because moving from a GWP in the thousands or tens of thousands to a GWP of 150 is an enormous challenge, both economically and technologically," says NIST chemist Michael Frenkel. "We decided to leverage the tools NIST has been developing for the last 15 years to look into the whole slew of available chemicals."

The affected industry is huge: The U.S. air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment manufacturing industry ships about $30 billion in goods annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

NIST has extensive experience evaluating alternative refrigerants, having previously helped the refrigeration industry find replacements for CFCs.**

The new NIST method estimates GWP by combining calculations of a compound's radiative efficiency (a measure of how well it absorbs infrared radiation) and atmospheric lifetime, both derived from molecular structure. Additional filtering is based on low toxicity and flammability, adequate stability, and critical temperature (where the compound's liquid and gas properties converge) in a desirable range. The method was applied to 56,203 compounds and identified 1,234 candidates for further study. The method, which was validated against available literature data, is accurate and fast enough for virtual screening applications. The approach is similar to the large-scale virtual screening and computational design methods for discovering new pharmaceuticals.

The screening is the initial stage of a larger study funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The next step will be to further narrow down the candidates to a couple dozen suitable for detailed investigation in refrigeration cycle modeling.


* A. Kazakov, M.O. McLinden and M. Frenkel. Computational design of new refrigerant fluids based on environmental, safety, and thermodynamic characteristics. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. Article ASAP, Publication Date (Web): September 4, 2012. DOI: 10.1021/ie3016126

**See 2007 NIST Tech Beat article, "NIST Releases Major Update of Popular REFPROP Database," at www.nist.gov/public_affairs/techbeat/tb2007_0412.htm#refprop.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-09/nios-nns091812.php

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Real Points ? Blog Archive ? Today's Deal: Pacific Union Financial

Pacific Union Financial has leased 43,396 square feet of office space at 8900 Freeport in Irving. President Rick Skogg, said the company aims to grow its mortgage origination and servicing business in North Texas, and that the new space will help support its rapid growth.

Steve Thelen, managing director of Jones Lang LaSalle, represented Pacific Union in the deal. Chris Taylor and Rodney Helm with Cassidy Turley represented the property owner, TNI Irving LP, an affiliate of Lexington Realty Trust.

According to a recent JLL report, the Las Colinas/Irving area is expected to show rental rate increases in the next few quarters, with gains in leasing activity and improved market fundamentals.

Source: http://realpoints.dmagazine.com/2012/09/todays-deal-pacific-union-financial/

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Government can play important role in obesity epidemic, expert argues

ScienceDaily (Sep. 18, 2012) ? Addressing the obesity epidemic by preventing excess calorie consumption with government regulation of portion sizes is justifiable and could be an effective measure to help prevent obesity-related health problems and deaths, according to a Viewpoint in the September 19 issue of JAMA, and theme issue on obesity.

Thomas A. Farley, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, presented the article at a JAMA media briefing.

"Americans consume many more calories than needed, and the excess is leading to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature mortality. Since the 1970s, caloric intake has increased by some 200 to 600 calories per person per day. Although it is unclear how important changes in physical activity are to the surge in obesity prevalence, it is quite clear that this increase in calorie consumption is the major cause of the obesity epidemic?an epidemic that each year is responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans and accounts for nearly $150 billion in health care costs," writes Dr. Farley.

Many foods contribute to excess calorie intake, Dr. Farley adds, but sugary drinks have drawn particular blame because of the near-tripling of consumption since the 1970s and their association in epidemiologic studies with obesity, weight gain, diabetes, and markers of cardiovascular disease. Also, the size of sugary drinks sold has increased substantially from a standard 6.5- or 8-ounce size in the 1960s to 20, 32, and even 64 ounces today. "The increase in portion sizes of these beverages is important because studies consistently show that when people are offered larger portions they simply consume more without recognizing it and without compensating for the increased consumption by decreasing intake later."

Dr. Farley writes that the food industry is effective at marketing foods with a high-profit margin. "How should government address the health problems caused by this successful marketing of food? To do nothing is to invite even higher rates of obesity, diabetes, and related mortality."

He suggests one option is to encourage food companies to voluntarily alter their products or marketing to reduce health risks. "Food companies understand how customers respond to their products and marketing better than anyone and could make many changes that would promote health. Food companies have indeed been responding to the obesity crisis by marketing products that have lower calorie contents by substitution (as with 'diet' beverages) and more recently by offering smaller portions. However, as publicly traded companies responsive to the interests of their shareholders, food companies cannot make decisions that will lower profits, and larger portion sizes are more profitable because most costs of delivering food items to consumers are fixed."

"The balanced and most effective approach is for governments to regulate food products that harm the most people, simultaneously encourage food companies to voluntarily produce and market healthful products, and then provide information to consumers in ways that facilitate their choosing healthful products."

Dr. Farley cites a number of initiatives taken by New York City to improve public health, including requiring restaurants to eliminate artificial trans fat, working with food companies to voluntarily lower sodium levels in packaged/processed foods, and providing information to consumers by requiring that chain restaurants post calorie counts on their menus and menu boards. These actions followed similar steps to address smoking, which have led to a 35 percent reduction in smoking rates in the city in the past 10 years.

Dr. Farley describes steps taken by the city to address what many believe is the greatest single contributor to the obesity epidemic?sugary drinks. Among the initiatives, New York City supported a 1-cent-per-ounce excise tax on sugary drinks; the city also supported a change in policy on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that would have prohibited the use of program benefits to purchase sugary drinks; and the city's Health Department proposed a cap on the portion size of sugary drinks served at restaurants. "? the portion-size studies strongly suggest that, with a smaller default portion size, most consumers will consume fewer calories. This change will not by itself reverse the obesity epidemic, but it can have a substantial effect on it."

"Although the idea of government action to prevent obesity by regulating portion size is new, this action is easily justifiable, is manageable by the dynamic food industry, and will be effective in preventing needless deaths," Dr. Farley concludes.

(JAMA. 2012;308[11]:1093-1094. Available pre-embargo to the media at http://media.jamanetwork.com)

Editor's Note: The author has completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were reported.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Medical Association (AMA).

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Farley TA. The Role of Government in Preventing Excess Calorie Consumption: The Example of New York City. JAMA, 2012; 308 (11): 1093-1094 DOI: 10.1001/2012.jama.11623

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/health_medicine/nutrition/~3/V7rmBZMzQ3c/120918111129.htm

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Protection for humans on Mars

ScienceDaily (Sep. 18, 2012) ? For six weeks NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has been working on the Red Planet. NASA also plans to send humans to Mars within the next 20 years. On the flight and during the stay on Moon or Mars the astronauts have to be protected against long exposure to cosmic radiation that might cause cancer.

On behalf of the European Space Agency ESA the GSI Helmholtzzentrum f?r Schwerionenforschung GmbH tests whether Moon and Mars regolith can be used to build shieldings for ground stations.

On Earth the atmosphere and the magnetic field weaken cosmic rays. But on Moon and Mars they pelt down unhamperdly. The cosmic radiation can harm astronauts and could cause cancer in the long run as a result of damage in DNA and cells.

Chiara La Tessa is manager of experiments in GSI biophysics. She explains why Moon or Mars ground stations would not be built from terrestrial high tech material: "In space travels every gram counts. Transporting building material through space would lead to a cost explosion. That is why ground stations would basically be built from Moon and Mars regolith -- especially the shielding. We know from the analyses done by rovers what the local sand and stones consist of. With this information one can produce Moon and Mars regolith on Earth and we test it for its properties." As cosmic rays are nothing else but fast ions that were accelerated by star explosions they can be simulated by an accelerator. The GSI facility is one of the few able to reproduce cosmic rays in an original way.

After the GSI team tested how well the stone slabs can protect against radiation in the American accelerator laboratory in Brookhaven, they now explore how many neutrons are produced in the materials when radiated.

If cosmic rays strike the stones with full speed they smash some atomic nuclei to pieces. The resulting free neutrons have a different effect on the human body than cosmic radiation. Depending on their speed they might even be more harmful.

At GSI the scientists now tested how strong the neutron effect is in Moon and Mars regolith and how far it passes through the material. ?I cannot estimate how the material is going to react to the radiation yet," says La Tessa. ?Will many neutrons be produced? How many fast and how many slow ones? This we will know when we analyzed our experiment data."

The tests funded by ESA were coordinated by Thales Alenia Space Italia. The prime contractor of ESA's project also designed the test plan in cooperation with GSI, chose the materials and evaluats the results.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_technology/~3/tuQMLKdCpZw/120918121545.htm

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Romney makes fresh appeal to Latino voters

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney addresses the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney addresses the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney addresses the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney waves after he addressed the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 17, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Republican Mitt Romney is making a fresh appeal to Latino voters and trying to cut into President Barack Obama's advantage with a key portion of the electorate.

Romney, in Los Angeles to address the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, says he'll work with both parties to address immigration and push economic policies to help small-business owners. He accused Obama of "playing politics" by pursuing a temporary measure to exempt from deportation immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

Romney says he will pursue "permanent immigration reform."

In a video address, Obama got applause when he talked about the temporary measure for young immigrants. He said he pursued it because Republicans blocked legislation giving a pathway to citizenship to the young immigrants.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-09-17-Romney-Hispanics/id-54fd6f0073f54e76ae48d2943d2bef36

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Management: Develop Your Emotional Quotient ? Small Business ...

Management has changed over the last couple of decades. The old 80?s style of management and motivating people by fear has evolved and today?s management is a much more supportive, encouraging, inclusive and altogether more effective form of directing and developing people.

That said, although this is a softer approach, it is no less rigorous as it encourages people to take responsibility for themselves and become accountable for their actions. In a way, managers have a tougher job now than they did in the past. A more subtle approach requires a more refined skills set and many ?old style? managers are finding it difficult to adapt.

fascial expressions

To stay ahead of the game, managers need to possess a high degree of emotional intelligence (EI). In the past, IQ was enough to get you to the top but in our current business environment, your emotional quotient (EQ) is just as vital and, in some cases, more so.

In an environment where IQ levels are likely to be comparable (such as an accountancy firm) your EQ could be the differentiating factor that sets you apart.

Many organizations are now measuring EQ at the recruitment stage and when developing management capability. A good emotional intelligence course is the ideal way to learn how to increase your EQ and become a better manager.

There are 4 areas of EI, all equally important for a manager. These were developed by the originators of the Emotional Intelligence theory ? Professor Jack Mayer and Professor Peter Salovey:

1) ? ??Recognizing Emotion

Good managers are able to recognize emotions in themselves and others. This requires an openness to emotion to be able to answer the question, ?how am I feeling today? with a one word answer. Recognizing emotion also involves the ability to recognize emotion in others through their facial expressions. ?Are they happy, sad, angry scared or surprised?

Our facial expression often reveals what our words do not and is vital for telling us how people really feel about our plans, proposals or opinions.

2) ? ??Using

This is about the link between emotions and cognitive thinking. Successful managers know it is not possible to make a decision ?with our heads or our hearts.? ?Emotions are involved in every decision that we make and we need to pay attention to them.

If you know which emotions are useful for which tasks and can switch moods, create a mood task match. ?Then you will be more effective and efficient in your day to day jobs.

3) ? ??Understanding

Understanding the combination of emotions we feel at a deeper level is a vital element of EI. Understanding also involves identifying the causes of emotion as well as tracking how our emotions change over time.

Emotions follow logical patterns. ?Knowing these patterns will greatly enhance your emotional ?what if? planning.

4) ? ??Managing

Finally, our skills at managing our own and others? moods will determine how well we deal with difficult situations. Rather than ruminating or suppressing emotion, to be effective we need to go to the emotion (recognize it), get insight (through using and understanding) and then go through the emotion.

We can do this by implementing short or long term strategies to achieve the optimal emotional outcome for ourselves and others.

Fascial Expressions Photo via Shutterstock

About Dale Kirke

Dale Kirke Dale Kirke works as a learning and development specialist at Thales Training and Consultancy focused on growing leadership skills development, building great teams and encouraging high performance. Dale has designed and delivered a range of learning and development solutions specialising in the areas of leadership and management, people and performance management, interpersonal skills and team development.


Source: http://smallbiztrends.com/2012/09/management-develop-emotional-quotient.html

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