বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Is Israel?s missile defence a conflict game-changer?

Fear because, for the first time, longer-range missiles from Hamas and other Palestinian groups reached the outskirts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem; and euphoria because of the remarkable success of Israel's Iron Dome defensive system.

Experts claim that this had up to an 85% success rate in engaging missiles heading for populated areas. In the wake of the conflict, some Israeli experts claim that Iron Dome and other similar systems - that are either operational or in development - have changed the strategic rules of the game in the region.

As Israeli strategic analyst Ofer Shelah told me: "Since Syria's defeat in the air-battles during the Lebanon War in 1982, when some 82 Syrian aircraft were shot down for no Israeli losses and Syria's anti-aircraft defences were destroyed, Arab forces around Israel have sought to balance Israel's air superiority by amassing vast arsenals of rockets and missiles."

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Source: http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=461018

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Yale College get to area final of Bank of England Challenge

Yale College A level Economics students progress to the area final of The Bank of England Interest Rate Challenge this week.

Paige Jones, Rob Whitley, Jordan Hardcastle and Luke Evans who are second year Economics A level learners at Yale College, have taken part in the Bank of England Interest Rate Challenge. The competition is a unique opportunity for students to develop and demonstrate their understanding of economic policy.

Advocated by Governor of The Bank of England, Mervyn King, participating teams from schools and colleges are challenged to become policy makers and set monetary policy for the UK economy. Using analytical skills, the team of four make difficult judgements about the course of the economy and the outlook for inflation ? just like the Monetary Policy Committee.

Tutors, Glenda Miller and Jane Fellows are delighted with the progress of their dedicated students who will face fierce competition at the area final on Tuesday 27th November in Capenhurst.

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Source: http://www.yale-wrexham.ac.uk//news/yale-college-get-to-area-final-of-bank-of-england-challenge/

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বুধবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Home Improvement | Interior | Healthy Family Air Conditioning ...

November 27, 2012 by admin | Filed under Air Conditioning.

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President Obama has chosen Elise Walter to temporarily head the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) when Mary Schapiro steps down next month.? With Mary Schapiro leaving and Walter, a current commissioner stepping up, the SEC will be run by only one acting chairman and two other commissioners.? This means that the already delayed rule making for both the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and the Jumpstart our Business Startups Act (JOBS) are likely to be further delayed.

The already taxed SEC will be headed by a small and temporary team.? Accordingly, it is the popular belief among experts that rule making will continue at a snail?s pace and that no major reform or policy changes should be expected.

Ms. Walter was originally appointed to the SEC by President George W. Bush in 2008 and has worked alongside Mary Schapiro both at the SEC and FINRA prior to both joining the SEC.? Moreover, Walter served as acting chairman after the departure of Christopher Cos in 2009, and so is familiar with the position.? She will stay in office until December 2013 when Obama will need to nominate a permanent new chief of the regulatory body.

The Author

Attorney Laura Anthony,
Founding Partner, Legal & Compliance, LLC
Securities, Reverse Merger and Corporate Attorneys

Securities attorney Laura Anthony provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size public companies as well as private companies intending to go public on the over-the-counter market, including the OTCBB and OTCQB. For nearly two decades, Ms. Anthony has dedicated her securities law practice to being ?the big firm alternative.? Clients receive fast and efficient cutting-edge legal service without the inherent delays and unnecessary expense of ?partner-heavy? securities law firms.

Ms. Anthony?s focus includes, but is not limited to, crowdfunding, registration statements, PIPE transactions, private placements, reverse mergers, and compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, as well as the proxy requirements of Section 14. Moreover, Ms. Anthony represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of deal documents such as Merger Agreements, Stock Purchase Agreements, Asset Purchase Agreements and Reorganization Agreements. Ms. Anthony prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for corporate changes such as name changes, reverse and forward splits and change of domicile.

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Source: http://securities-law-blog.com/2012/11/27/mary-schapiro-to-be-replaced-by-elisse-walter-as-head-of-sec/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Statement Against High-Stakes Standardized Testing by ...

DEY?s Senior Adviser, Nancy Carlsson-Piage recently initiated a Statement against High- Stakes Testing? which is being signed by Massachusetts professors and researchers.? Below, read a ?call to action? letter aimed at all Massachusetts professors and researchers, explaining the why it is important and how to sign on.

Dear Professor,

There is a new sense of possibility for change in our outmoded high-stakes testing policies, thanks to a growing national movement of educators, parents and students. A National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing has gained more than 13,600 individual and 460 organizational signers. Thanks in large part to testing fiascos around the country, the mainstream press has started to take note and editorials have begun to question this approach to education ?reform.?

Inspired by recent statements by education professors in New York and Chicago, we have written a Massachusetts version of a statement against high-stakes testing that we hope would draw similarly large numbers of signers (New York?s has 1,160 ? http://www.nyclu.org/files/releases/testing_professor_letter.pdf; Chicago?s has 88 ? http://createchicago.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html; a new letter from Georgia professors has 38 ? http://www.empoweredga.org/Articles/greater-support.html).

We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to review this letter and consider endorsing it. If you are willing to sign this statement, please send an email to matestingstatement@gmail.com with the heading ?I Will Sign On? and your name and position in the body of the email. And if you do endorse it, will you help us reach additional signers? These could be colleagues at your college or at another college, in schools of education or in other departments.

Attached to this message is a copy of the statement with a list of the 32 original endorsers and four initiators.


?Chris Buttimer, Ed.D. candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Professor Emerita, Lesley University

Lisa Guisbond, FairTest and Citizens for Public Schools

Monty Neill, Executive Director, FairTest

Below?read the statement in its entirety:

Statement against High-Stakes Standardized Testing

by Massachusetts Professors and Researchers

There has been a ground swell of opposition to the overuse and misuse of standardized testing across the United States. This includes statements from more than 670 Texas school boards, nearly one-third of all New York State principals, and hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals who have endorsed the National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing. Against this backdrop, two significant statements have come from groups of educators and researchers in Chicago, Georgia and New York.We applaud these actions and have come together in solidarity with their efforts.

We respectfully present this statement to the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education, the Secretary of Education and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) because you have it within your power to dramatically improve state assessment policies and thereby improve the learning opportunities and conditions for all of our students.? We also copy this to the Governor and key legislators, as they too have the power to enact positive changes.

As educators and researchers from across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we strongly oppose our state?s continued overreliance on high-stakes standardized testing to assess student achievement, evaluate teacher effectiveness, and determine school quality. Given that standardized tests provide only one indicator of student achievement, and that their high-stakes uses produce ever-increasing incentives to teach to the test, narrow the curriculum, or even to cheat, we call on the BESE to stop using standardized tests in high-stakes decisions affecting students, teachers, and schools.

Researchers have documented, and a nine-year study by the National Research Council (Hout & Elliott, 2011) has confirmed, that the past decade?s emphasis on testing has yielded little learning progress. Further, testing experts and the test-makers themselves have consistently warned against using standardized tests for high-stakes decisions such as graduation or retention, or to hire, fire, or reward teachers (AERA, 2000).? The tests provide only a snapshot of a limited range of knowledge and skills, so they can provide only limited information to teachers. Because the tests are not designed to determine teacher effectiveness, no accurate conclusions can be drawn about an individual teacher from her students? test scores. Research indicates that a teacher?s impact on student learning cannot be reliably isolated from the myriad other factors that impact student learning (Baker et al., 2009). Finally, test experts have shown that test scores can be raised without increasing true student learning (Koretz, 2008), and that the higher the stakes attached to a test, the less trustworthy the test scores are.? Cheating scandals in Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and dozens of other major cities dramatically illustrate this problem. Problems with the use of MCAS interact with other educational problems, such as continued funding inequities and the growth of poverty within the state (MassBudget, 2012). While MCAS may help identify the consequences of inequities, its high-stakes uses exacerbate these consequences. These MCAS problems include but are not limited to:

Disparate impact on students. Numerous studies document that the use of high-stakes testing ? including test barriers to high school graduation ? bears adverse impact on students and is accompanied by widening racial/ethnic and income-based gaps.? MCAS testing has not significantly reduced disparities in achievement or eliminated gaps, thus the negative consequences of the high-stakes tests fall disproportionately on the groups that most need help. In Massachusetts? low-income, urban districts, large numbers of students perform below proficiency on the MCAS. Twice as many urban as suburban public high school graduates fail college placement tests in math and English and must take noncredit, remedial classes (Massachusetts DESE, 2008). Results on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) show a failure to achieve significant reduction in the achievement gap separating Massachusetts? white students from African-American and Latino students since 2003. The negative effects of our high-stakes testing environment are perhaps most pronounced for English Language Learners (ELLs) ? for whom the tests were not designed ? who cumulatively and consistently fail to achieve proficiency within the limited school time of a year and a day before they are required to take the exam in English. According to a 2011 Gaston Institute report, ?In high school, about 18% of [ELL] students were retained in grade, many of them several times and many of them in the ninth grade to avoid having them fail the tenth grade MCAS graduation requirement.? In Massachusetts, ELLs are, on average, nine times more likely to drop out of high school than their peers. The disparate impact of the graduation requirement on students with disabilities also is striking. For example, of the 2,798 students who did not pass all the required MCAS tests by the end of their senior year in 2011, 75% were students with disabilities. The fact remains that Massachusetts has placed the most severe accountability on the backs of its most disadvantaged students.

Negative impact on curriculum and instruction. Surveys of teachers in Massachusetts (Abrams et al., 2003; Clarke et al., 2003) and nationally (McMurrer, 2007; Moon et al., 2003; Hinde, 2003) show a marked increase in teaching to the test and narrowing the curriculum to tested subjects as a result of high-stakes testing. In addition, research compiled by the NRC and others shows this comes with a negative impact on school climate, often creating an environment of intimidation, fear, anxiety and stress for both teachers and their students, including kindergarten children (Hout & Elliott, 2011). Further, investigators of the Atlanta cheating scandal identified high-stakes testing as a cause of the problem (Georgia Bureau of Investigation, 2011). Under such conditions, it becomes difficult for teachers to create a learning environment that promotes creativity, critical thinking, risk-taking, experimentation and a love of learning. Moreover, as with other negative consequences, there is a disparate impact: teaching to the test, curricular narrowing and damaging school climates more frequently affect low income and minority students.

Negative impact on educators. High-stakes testing creates adverse consequences not only for students but also for educators. Researchers have challenged the validity, reliability, effectiveness, and ethics of using high-stakes test scores to evaluate educators. Further, as argued in an open letter to Mayor Rahm Emanuel by Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education (CReATE, 2012), ?There is no evidence that evaluation systems that incorporate student test scores produce gains in student achievement? [and] Teachers will subtly but surely be incentivized to avoid students with health issues, students with disabilities, students who are English Language Learners, or students suffering from emotional issues. Research has shown that no model yet developed can adequately account for all of these ongoing factors.? Student growth measures are not capable of identifying with reasonable accuracy and consistency over time who is or is not an effective teacher. Already some highly effective teachers are leaving the profession. Further, Massachusetts? new system requires that ?measures of student learning? be developed as part of annually evaluating every teacher in every subject and grade. This could further inundate students with testing and test preparation.

Negative impact on schools. The problems discussed above harm many schools, as well as their students and teachers individually.? While federal law requires assessments, it does not require high-stakes standardized testing. There is nothing to prevent Massachusetts from using a very different assessment system, using multiple sorts of indicators gathered over time, as was proposed in the Education Reform Act of 1993.


Because of these and other problems with the high-stakes uses of standardized tests to evaluate students, teachers and schools, we call on the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to:

  • Work with educators, parents and the public to craft a new assessment system that will more fully assess the many competencies our children need to succeed in the 21st century and that will avoid the current overreliance on standardized tests.
  • Stop using MCAS test results as a barrier to high school graduation.
  • Prohibit the use of test scores in educator evaluations and in decisions for hiring, firing, laying off or rewarding teachers.
  • Focus teacher evaluations on the appropriate use of evidence-based teaching practices and a comprehensive set of indicators of classroom and school-based student learning rather than one-shot test scores.
  • Stop using test scores to designate schools for punitive turnaround reform measures that mandate the firing of 50% or more of the staff.
  • Focus turnaround reform efforts on school-wide, research-based approaches.

We know that reforming the current high-stakes testing system will take time and political capital, but we believe that it is not only possible but also imperative if we want to improve the lives of all children and ensure their future success. Given the recent unprecedented attention focused on problems with current testing practice, this is exactly the right time to transform recommendations into reality. Therefore, we make ourselves available to the BESE to assist in these efforts in whatever ways are necessary.

Massachusetts Professors and Researchers

Statement on High-Stakes Testing


1. Jorgelina Abbate-Vaughn, UMass Boston

2. Laura Baker, Assistant Professor, Westfield State University

3. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Professor Emerita, Lesley University

4. Steve Cohen, Education Department, Tufts University

5. Eric DeMeulenaere, Ph.D., Clark University
6. Robin DiAngelo, Ph.D., Westfield State University

7.? R. Clarke Fowler, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education, Salem State University

8. Ken Haar, Associate Professor, Associate Vice President for Government Relations, Westfield State University

9. Vanessa?Holford Diana, Westfield State University

10. Chris Gallagher, Northeastern University

11. Lisa Guisbond, FairTest

12. Jim Horn, Professor, Cambridge College

13. Jonathan King, MIT

14. Trudy Knowles, Ed. D., Westfield State University

15. Louis Kruger, Northeastern University

16. Diane Levin, Wheelock College
17. Aviva Liebert, Ph.D., Framingham State University
18. George Madaus, Boisi Professor of Education and Public Policy Emeritus at Boston College

19. Robin Marion, Westfield State U.

20. James E. McDermott, Ed. D., Assistant Professor, Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University

21. Terry Meier, Associate professor of education, Wheelock College
22. Edward Miller, Wellfleet, Mass.; teacher and writer; former editor,?Harvard Education Letter

23. Linda Nathan, Ex. Director, Center for Arts in Education, Boston Arts Academy, Founding Headmaster, Boston Arts Academy.

24. James Nehring, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, UMass/Lowell

25. Monty Neill, Ed.D., FairTest

26. Floriz Wilma Ortiz, Westfield State University

27. Leigh Patel, Boston College

28. Erika Pilver, Westfield State University

29. Ricardo D. Rosa ? University of Massachusetts ? Dartmouth / Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies

30. Dennis Shirley, Boston College Lynch School of Education
31. Elizabeth Stassinos PhD, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Westfield State University

32. Amanda Walker Johnson, UMass-Amherst


Chris Buttimer, Ph.D. candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Professor Emerita, Lesley University

Lisa Guisbond, FairTest and Citizens for Public Schools

Monty Neill, Executive Director, FairTest


AERA, 2000. AERA Position Statement on High-Stakes Testing in Pre-K ? 12 Education. http://www.aera.net/AboutAERA/AERARulesPolicies/AERAPolicyStatements/Position...

Abrams, L.M., Pedulla, J.J., & Madaus, G.F. 2003. Views from the classroom: Teachers? opinions of statewide testing programs.?Theory into Practice 42(1), 18-29.

Baker, E. et al. 2009. ?Problems with the Use of Student Test Scores to Evaluate Teachers,? Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper. Available at http://epi.3cdn.net/b9667271ee6c154195_t9m6iij8k.pdf

Clarke et al. 2003. Perceived Effects of State-Mandated Testing Programs on Teaching and Learning: Findings from Interviews with Educators in Low-, Medium-, and High-Stakes States. Boston: NBETTP. Available at http://www.bc.edu/research/nbetpp/reports.html

CReATE, 2012. ?Misconceptions and Realities about Teacher and Principal Evaluation.? Available at http://createchicago.blogspot.com/2012/03/misconceptions-and-realities-about.html

Uriarte, M., et al. (2011, November). Improving educational outcomes of English Language Learners in schools and programs in Boston Public Schools. Boston, MA: Mauricio Gast?n Institute. Available at: http://www.ccebos.org/ell_Uriarte_et_al_2011_Executive_Summary.pdf

Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). 2011. Special Investigation into CRCT Cheating at APS. Available at http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/cms/lib/GA01000924/Centricity/Domain/44/APS_CRCT_-_vol3_-_28455206.pdf

Hinde, E. R. 2003, May 27. The tyranny of the test: Elementary teachers? conceptualizations of the effects of state standards and mandated tests on their practice. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 6(10). Available at http://cie.ed.asu.edu/volume6/number10/

Hout, M. and Elliott, S.W. Editors. 2011. Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press), 30. Available at? http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12521.

Koretz, D. M. (2008). Measuring up: What educational testing really tells us. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center. 2011. ?2010 Poverty Rate Increases in Both Massachusetts and Across the Country.? http://www.massbudget.org/report_window.php?loc=PovertyFacts_9.22.11.html

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2008.

Massachusetts School-to-College Report High School Class of 2005. Available at www.doe.mass.edu/research/reports/0208bhe.pdf

McMurrer, J. 2007. Choices, changes, and challenges: Curriculum and instruction in the NCLB era. Washington, DC: Center on Education Policy.

Moon, T. R., Callahan, C. M., & Tomlinson, C. A. 2003, April 28. Effects of state testing programs on elementary schools with high concentrations of student poverty-good news or bad news? Current Issues in Education, 6(8). Available at? http://cie.ed.asu.edu/volume6/number8/

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Apple Adds Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S III Mini And Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 To California Patent Lawsuit

apple-samsungIn ongoing legal proceedings in California, Apple has added six new devices to its patent infringement claims against rival Samsung, getting them in late Friday evening ahead of a deadline on changes to the scope of the complaint. The new additions essentially cover just about every piece of Samsung hardware now available in the U.S. market, with modifications that also account for recent OS updates.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/5oH3DvuL3Og/

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Roach-eating contest winner choked to death

Courtesy of Katie Resmondo

Undated photo of Edward Archbold and his fiance, Natasha Proffitt.

By NBC News staff

A man who collapsed after winning a cockroach-eating contest last month at a Florida pet store choked to death, according to a Broward County Medical Examiner report released Monday.

Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach, and several other contestants signed up to eat a variety of insects at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach on Oct. 6. After eating dozens of giant cockroaches, Archbold was declared the winner of an ivory-ball python.

Florida man dies after winning cockroach-eating contest

Earlier in the night, he had also entered a superworm-eating contest.

But after winning, Archbold felt sick and started vomiting. He then collapsed in the store and was later pronounced dead. The medical examiner?s office conducted tests to determine the cause of death, which was revealed more than a month later.

According to the report, the death was deemed an accident as a result of "arthropod body parts" blocking Archbold's airways. The autopsy tested negative for toxic substances.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/26/15460502-florida-man-who-died-in-cockroach-eating-contest-choked-to-death-autopsy-says?lite

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শনিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Business Travel Tips and Ideas for First- time Traveling Entrepreneurs

First times are sometimes a frustration to some people especially to those who are traveling while working and enjoying at the same time. As a first- timer, one must be guided by some business travel tips and ideas that will make your endeavors smooth and easy and your business lifestyle you wanted to achieve, attainable. In the other hand, the lifestyle design you wanted to attain might also be fulfilled. Worrying should not be your top priority while planning to take a trip elsewhere. Rest assured that you have virtual personal assistants who would take care of some of your business transactions. Other than this, being in the virtual world is also very advantageous because you can still communicate with your virtual assistant while you are away from your business. Through these, you can also obtain the entrepreneur lifestyle you dreamt of.

These are business travel tips and ideas for first- time traveling entrepreneur: As a first- time traveling entrepreneur, you must be prepared with your equipment for communication. Such equipment is a laptop. Make sure also that you will not forget the charger of your laptop and charge it early on before you take the plane. As a first- time traveling entrepreneur, you must write an itinerary where you want to go so that it easier for you to determine where you will go next. As a first- time traveling entrepreneur, you must have a packed bag filled with necessary things that you will need in the course of your trip. As a first- time entrepreneur, you should book in advance to avoid hassles in taking your flight. When you book in advance, you can also avail of special discounts with your travel agency. As a first- time traveling entrepreneur, make sure that the place you will be going has good internet connection. In this way, you can have a smooth connection with your virtual assistant and you can also check whether he or she has accomplished his or her tasks. These are just few business travel tips that may help lessen your worries while traveling and bringing your work. In this case, these traveling tips and ideas will also be of great help in your future business travels.

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Source: http://hotnews.blogspages.com/2012/11/23/business-travel-tips-and-ideas-for-first-time-traveling-entrepreneurs-2/

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2 killed, dozens injured in massive Texas pileup

BEAUMONT, Texas (AP) ? Two people died and more than 80 people were hurt Thursday when at least 140 vehicles collided in Southeast Texas in a pileup that left trucks twisted on top of each other and authorities rushing to pull survivors from the wreckage.

The collision occurred in extremely foggy conditions at about 8:45 a.m. Thanksgiving Day on Interstate 10 southwest of Beaumont, a Gulf Coast city about 80 miles east of Houston.

A man and a woman were killed in a Chevy Suburban SUV crushed by a tractor trailer, the Texas Department of Public Safety told KFDM-TV.

DPS trooper Stephanie Davis late Thursday identified the dead as Debra Leggio, 60, and Vincent Leggio, 64.

Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Rod Carroll said in a news release that 80 to 90 people were transported to hospitals with 10 to 12 of those in serious to critical condition. He said 140 to 150 vehicles were involved in the pileup.

According to DPS, a crash on the eastbound side of the highway led to other accidents in a dangerous chain reaction. There were multiple crashes on the other side of the highway as well.

Carroll told The Associated Press the fog was so thick that deputies didn't immediately realize they were dealing with multiple accidents.

"It is catastrophic," Carroll said. "I've got cars on top of cars."

I-10's eastbound lanes were re-opened Thursday evening after more than eight hours.

Davis told KFDM that two people in an SUV died after the crash.

Carroll said uninjured drivers tried to help as authorities sorted through the wreckage.

"It's just people helping people," Carroll said. "The foremost thing in this holiday season is how other travelers were helping us when we were overwhelmed, sitting and holding, putting pressure on people that were injured."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/2-killed-dozens-injured-massive-texas-pileup-022421129.html

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Outgoing Sen. Brown urges 'larger tent' for GOP

Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., speaks during a media availability, on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., speaks during a media availability, on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., speaks during a media availability, on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

(AP) ? Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts, the only incumbent senator to lose re-election this fall, is urging the GOP to make a stronger push for support from women, minorities and moderates like himself.

Returning to the Senate for the first session since last week's election, Brown said Tuesday that he hopes Republicans in the future will be a more tolerant, open-minded party.

Brown says moderates such as himself and retiring GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine are a vanishing breed in Washington, despite sometimes playing a key role in bridging the partisan divide.

Brown lost to consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren in one of the 2012 election's marquee races.

Brown's win in the 2010 special election for the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat stunned Democrats.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-11-13-Congress-Brown/id-71e2a130291f4452be975e06dd726f9e

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Rupert Murdoch gleeful at BBC debacle in Britain

A general view of the BBC headquarters in London, Sunday, Nov, 11, 2012. The head of the BBC's governing body said Sunday the broadcaster needs a radical overhaul following the resignation of its chief executive in wake of a scandal over a botched report on child sex-abuse allegations. Chris Patten vowed to restore confidence and trust in the BBC, which is reeling from the resignation of George Entwistle and the scandals prompting his ouster. Entwistle resigned Saturday night amid a storm of controversy after a news program wrongly implicated a British politician in a child sex-abuse scandal, deepening a crisis sparked by revelations it decided not to air similar allegations against one of its own stars.(AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

A general view of the BBC headquarters in London, Sunday, Nov, 11, 2012. The head of the BBC's governing body said Sunday the broadcaster needs a radical overhaul following the resignation of its chief executive in wake of a scandal over a botched report on child sex-abuse allegations. Chris Patten vowed to restore confidence and trust in the BBC, which is reeling from the resignation of George Entwistle and the scandals prompting his ouster. Entwistle resigned Saturday night amid a storm of controversy after a news program wrongly implicated a British politician in a child sex-abuse scandal, deepening a crisis sparked by revelations it decided not to air similar allegations against one of its own stars.(AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Acting director general of the BBC Tim Davie arrives at New Broadcasting house in central London Monday Nov. 12, 2012. The BBC, one of the world's largest and most respected broadcasters, is facing calls for a radical restructuring after botched coverage of child sex abuse scandals and the subsequent resignation of its director general.(AP Photo/ Steve Parsons/PA Wire) UNITED KINGDOM OUT

Chris Patten, Chairman of the BBC Trust walks out of the BBC headquarters to give a media interviews in London, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012. The head of the BBC's governing body said Sunday the broadcaster needs a radical overhaul following the resignation of its chief executive in wake of a scandal over a botched report on child sex-abuse allegations. Chris Patten vowed to restore confidence and trust in the BBC, which is reeling from the resignation of George Entwistle and the scandals prompting his ouster. Entwistle resigned Saturday night amid a storm of controversy after a news program wrongly implicated a British politician in a child sex-abuse scandal, deepening a crisis sparked by revelations it decided not to air similar allegations against one of its own stars.(AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

(AP) ? Few seem to be enjoying the management meltdown at the venerable BBC more than Rupert Murdoch, the News Corp. chief whose rival British newspapers have been caught up in their own lengthy, embarrassing and expensive phone-hacking scandal.

But the troubles for both media organizations highlight that the news industry in Britain is at rock-bottom in public esteem, and could face increased restrictions from the government of Prime Minister David Cameron, which appears convinced it has been unable to police itself.

The British Broadcasting Corp. has moved into full-bore damage control since it retracted mistaken allegations by its marquee news program that a politician sexually abused children. That serious mistake followed the BBC's earlier failure to report on widespread child sex abuse allegations against one of its biggest stars, the late Jimmy Savile.

"BBC mess gives Cameron golden opportunity (to) properly reorganize great public broadcaster," Murdoch tweeted gleefully Sunday.

The scandal follows several years of turmoil over the phone-hacking scandal, which exploded with the discovery that employees of Murdoch's News of the World tabloid hacked into a kidnapped girl's mobile phone. The scandal widened when scores of celebrities, sports stars and politicians said they, too, had been hacked. The tabloid folded, Murdoch's media paid out millions in compensation and still faces scores of lawsuits. Several news executives have been arrested.

A report due this month from Lord Justice Brian Leveson, based on months of jarring testimony about wrongdoing by Murdoch's reporters and others, may prompt the government to impose statutory regulation on the British print press, which is overseen by an industry watchdog.

Many say the reputation of the British media is at an all-time low.

"The issues the BBC is dealing with at the moment ... are very different from the phone hacking and illegal intercept of communications which led to the Leveson inquiry," said Bob Calver, a journalism professor at Birmingham City University. "(But) clearly in the public mind there won't be that distinction, the public will see it as poor standards across the board."

Murdoch's grudge against the BBC was vented in detail in a 2009 speech by his son James, a TV executive who railed against the BBC's funding, which comes from a television license fee paid by every TV household in Britain.

Because of its funding, "the BBC feels empowered" and "the scope of its activities and ambitions is chilling," said James Murdoch.

Phil Harding, the BBC's former controller of editorial policy, warned U.K. media to resist the temptation to criticize too much.

"If you really tear into another journalistic organization, what you are going to do is ... undermine public confidence in journalism," he said Monday at a Society of Editors conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

BBC chief George Entwistle resigned this weekend, and on Monday the head of news, Helen Boaden, and deputy Stephen Mitchell were temporarily removed from their positions, though the broadcaster said neither were implicated in the errors involving its child sex abuse reports.

The broadcaster also came under fire Monday for the terms of Entwistle's removal after only 54 days on the job. He is drawing a full year's salary of 450,000 pounds ($715,000).

"Clearly, it is hard to justify a sizeable payoff of that sort," Cameron's spokesman Steve Field told reporters.?

Iain Overton, who was involved in preparing the "Newsnight" story about the politician, resigned Monday as editor of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. The organization, a nonprofit muckraking group based at City University in London that works with several news organizations, said the BBC story had been "strictly contrary to the fundamental principles and standards of the bureau."

Further resignations or suspensions at the BBC are likely as the investigation develops.

"Consideration is now being given to the extent to which individuals should be asked to account further for their actions and if appropriate, disciplinary action will be taken," the BBC said.

In New York, Mark Thompson, Entwistle's predecessor who was in charge when a BBC investigation into Savile's alleged abuse was sidelined, said Monday he is "very saddened" by the scandal at the broadcaster. Arriving on the first day of his new job as chief executive of The New York Times, he told reporters he has "no doubt it (the BBC) will get back on its feet."


Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-11-12-Britain-BBC/id-23c134172fb345f6a67a063a0fcc7721

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সোমবার, ১২ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Video: Woodward discusses Petraeus? resignation

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032608/vp/49778862#49778862

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ONC announces winners of Blue Button Mash-up Challenge

Post image for ONC announces winners of Blue Button Mash-up Challenge

Winners have been announced in the Blue Button Mash-up Challenge, which called upon developers to create applications which combine Blue Button data downloaded from a hospital, health plan, or doctor's office EHR/EMR with two or more of the three part ?aim? categories.

Part one of these three aims is better care interactions with the system, such as including tools to rate and compare physicians, hospitals, and other care quality data, combining clinical data and medical claims data to create a comprehensive list of an individual's medical conditions.

Part two called for features to support better care for oneself outside the healthcare system, such as supporting an individual's personally stated health goals or providing easily understood representations of an individuals health status in comparison to others of a similar demographic.

Part three is reducing costs by providing information related to costs of relevant healthcare services and/or financial savings likely to accrue from behavior changes, or creating algorithms that exhibit cost savings to the individual and/or the health system if the individual makes healthy living interventions.

First prize went to Humetrix for their iBlueButton application, which has been available on iTunes since early 2012. Humetrix is one of only three VA Blue Button health partners, and the company is in serious conversations with several Health Information Exchanges, large health plans, and telecom companies regarding additional strategic partnerships for future iterations of the iBlueButton app.

Second place went to the team from Intelligent Decisions and their ID Blue Button application, which provides users a comprehensive lifespan of their health data on their mobile device so it can be better understood, easily shared, and used to live healthier. The ID Blue Button app is largely focused on displaying health data in a timeline format.

Third place was awarded to InstantPHR, developed by Get Real Consulting, which is a HealthVault-native toolbox that easily creates and customizes personal health applications, including patient and healthcare professional portals, disease management platforms, among others.

Judges for the Blue Button Mashup Challenge included?Lynne Durham, Relay Health; Chuck Officer, UnitedHealthcare; Tiffany Peterson, Tiffany and Lupus; Karson Mahler, HHS; Kelly Young, Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior.

Source: http://www.imedicalapps.com/2012/11/onc-announces-winners-blue-button-mashup-challenge/

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Types Of Party Dresses And How To Go - Work On the Internet

There are many different types of Party Dresses that are available for you to choose from, and each type of dress has a number of benefits. If you are looking for a dress for a specific style of event, you may want to look into the style of party dress that you are considering prior. Some common tyes of party dresses that you can choose from include a dresses, which are for more informal daytime events, cocktail dresses which are commonly seen in nightclubs and other venues, and formal dresses which are specifically warned during formal offense, but can be great for almost any type of event. There are many things to take into consideration when you are choosing the party dress of your choice, but you need to make sure that you are taking the event into consideration and have a good idea of what you were looking for.

Day Dresses

Day dresses are great to wear during the day. Whether you are going out to lunch, having afternoon tea with a friend, are going to a midday party, day dresses are an excellent choice. You can hem them different lengths, depending on the season, and the necklines are typically highly cut, revealing only a minimal amount of cleavage at most. The dresses are usually loose and flowing, and do not hug the body as tightly as cocktail dresses. Day dresses can be worn to almost any event, but are most common for daytime events. They are for informal events, and provide you with a quick and easy option for dresses.

Cocktail Dresses

Cocktail dresses are typically for evening events. Cocktail dresses are excellent for nighttime parties, nightclubs, and other similar events. They often have a flashy trim, or sequins, to give them a shinier look. Most cocktail dresses actually reveals some of the leg, and are often low-cut, exposing a fair amount of cleavage. Keep in mind, that you should try to find a cocktail dress that either does one or the other, as doing both can give you a less than ideal look for the night. Cocktail dresses range from very revealing, to quite classy, so you should try to find a cocktail dress that is going to match your personality and your overall style.

Formal Wear

Another excellent type of dresses a formal dress. Although formal dresses are considered party dresses. The formal dresses can still be considered a Part Dress, but are often much longer, and much less revealing. A formal dress made hugged tightly to the body, revealing the curves of the individual that is wearing them, and also provide you with an extravagant look. There are some full skirted ball gowns that can be considered formal dresses, but those are typically out of fashion with today's standards. Finding a formal dress that matches your personality, and does not overdressed you for the event that you were going to should be your primary concern when shopping for a formal dress.

Depending on the event that you were going to, there are many different types of dresses available. The one that you choose should match your personality, complement the event, and look great.

As you look at Party Dresses or a Part Dress, there are certain traits that you should be looking for. Visit http://www.soieshop.com for more information.

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Source: http://www.workoninternet.com/business/reviews/miscellaneous/219803-article.html

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Go 'SoMoLo' With Your Marketing - Speaking of Real Estate

Marki Lemons presenting at the Marketing Forum during the REALTORS? Conference & Expo in Orlando Nov. 10, 2012.

Marki Lemons is a foodie. She loves trying new restaurants in her Chicago neighborhood. At every restaurant she tries, she takes a picture of her meal via Instagram and writes a review on Yelp.

This may not seem like it has much to do with her real estate business, but it actually has everything to do with it. Lemons practices ?SoMoLo??social, mobile, local marketing to connect with potential clients.

?They know what I eat, what I like, and, most of all, that I?m a community expert,? said Lemons, ABR, CRS, short-sale trainer and sales associate with Keller Williams Realty in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago.

Lemons presented her tips for going SoMoLo during the Marketing Forum Saturday. For her, it involves focusing on creating and sharing visual content. For example, she shares her foodie Instagram images on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and foursquare, extending her social media marketing?s consistency and reach.

And don?t forget about Pinterest, she said. Food is one of the top categories on this visually-based social site to be shared or re-pinned, she said. Another idea for Pinterest is creating a marketing board on your page with photos of the agents in your office. This ?Meet the Agents? board creates an opportunity for the pictures and bios of your agents to be re-pinned, Tweeted, or shared among a broader audience.

?Pinterest can drive a high amount of traffic to your Web site, even more than Facebook, Twitter, and Google,? Lemons said. The secret is utilizing the URL embedded within each photo pin. This will increase the engagement from your pins and direct followers to your Web site.

More than 20,000 images have been re-pinned over 10 million times, and more than 80 percent of photos are re-pinned on Pinterest. Lemons often uses her own photos so she doesn?t have to worry about copyright issues.

Don?t have a photo to pin? Try Pinstamatic.com, where you can write messages on graphic post-its notes that you can pin or share like photos. Then check your Pinterest ROI on PinReach.com to measuring your analytics and make sure you?re reaching who you want to reach.

Lemons also recommends Visual.ly to find free infographics, which are available to share with your social sphere or post on your Web sites.

?It?s not just social media, it?s social business,? said Nobu Hata, NAR?s director of digital engagement, who co-presented at the Marketing Forum. ?We don?t just sell houses, we sell a lifestyle. Anyone can Google an address to find out everything about a home. Think about how you can enhance that on your Web site and in your posts.?

Source: http://speakingofrealestate.blogs.realtor.org/2012/11/10/go-%E2%80%98somolo%E2%80%99-with-your-marketing/

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Report: Iran believes U.S. drone was spying on oil tankers


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Chemotherapy Orientation Class - DukeHealth.org

Chemotherapy Orientation Class - DukeHealth.org
Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2012
Click here for a list of other dates
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Duke Cancer Patient Education Program

Are you starting chemotherapy soon? Do you have questions about side effects? Or do you just want more information about your treatment?

A nurse, pharmacist, and resource librarian will be available to answer your questions.

Everyone is welcome to attend -- patients, family, and caregivers alike. No appointment is needed.

The class includes a tour of the Oncology Treatment Center.

For more information, call 919-681-0691 or 919-613-6275
Registration status
No registration required
Duke Cancer Center
Location Specifics
Level 0 Conference Room (0N01)
Next to the Caf?
20 Duke Medicine Circle
Durham, NC 27710

About This Page

Updated: Mar. 20, 2012
URL: http://www.dukehealth.org/events/chemotherapy-orientation-class/20121113

Source: http://www.dukehealth.org/events/chemotherapy-orientation-class/20121113?utm_source=dukehealth.org&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS_events

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Abe the bald eagle recovers from surgery as his shooter is still sought

Thursday, November 08 2012 @ 10:46 PM EST

Contributed by: karenbills

Wildlife News

The eagle named Abe just got out of a complicated four hour surgery to repair a shattered leg and severely broken wing. He is recovering at Memphis veterinary specialist in Cordova.?

"It just took a lot longer than we thought. There were a lot of pieces to put back together, but it went well," said veterinarian Dr. David Hannon.?

Photos of the surgery give you an idea of how complicated it was. Abe, of course, had to be put under. Then the areas for surgery had to be plucked.?

"These are just major bones in a very large bird what happens when the bone break the muscle contracts pretty heavily so we to fight against that," Dr. Hannon said.

Read the rest of the story and view the photos and video here:
http://www.wmctv.com/story/19991548/abe ... ill-sought

Source: http://www.hancockwildlife.org/article.php/AbeTheBaldEagleRecoversFromSurgeryAsHisS

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Source: http://www.defaulttricks.com/outsourcing-internet-hosting-companies-lead-generation-to-achieve-progress-in-gross-sales-efficiency/

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Pentagon says Iranian warplanes fired on U.S. drone over Gulf

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iranian warplanes fired multiple rounds at an unmanned unarmed U.S. surveillance aircraft in international airspace over the Gulf last week, but the craft was undamaged and returned safely to its base, Pentagon spokesman George Little said on Thursday.

President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta were both advised early on about the unprecedented incident, which occurred at about 4:50 a.m. ET (0850 GMT) on November 1.

Iran was later warned through diplomatic channels the United States would keep conducting surveillance flights in the region and would protect its military assets, Little said.

"The United States has communicated to the Iranians that we will continue to conduct surveillance flights over international waters over the Arabian Gulf consistent with longstanding practice and our commitment to the security of the region," Little told a Pentagon briefing.

"We have a wide range of options from diplomatic to military to protect our military assets and our forces ... and will do so when necessary," he added.

The incident came a year after a CIA drone crashed in Iran - giving the Islamic Republic access to sensitive American technology.

The MQ-1 "Predator" military drone involved in the latest incident on November 1 was conducting routine surveillance over the Gulf 16 nautical miles from Iran when it was intercepted by Russian-made Iranian SU-25 "Frogfoot" aircraft and was fired upon with guns, Little said.

Another Pentagon spokesman confirmed that two SU-25s were involved.

Asked whether the Iranians may have been firing warning shots, Little said the U.S. assessment was that the Iranian aircraft were aiming to shoot down the U.S. drone.

"Our aircraft was never in Iranian air space. It was always flying in international air space. The internationally recognized territorial limit is 12 nautical miles off the coast and we never entered the 12 nautical mile limit," Little said.

The Pentagon said relevant officials in Congress were informed of the incident. Little declined to say which military service owned the drone.

(Reporting By Phil Stewart and David Alexander; Editing by Jackie Frank)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pentagon-says-iranian-warplanes-fired-u-drone-over-200033688.html

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শুক্রবার, ৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

How Your Business Can Use Instagram For PR

November 8, 2012

Instagram was launched 2 years ago, providing a new, fun way for people to share photos with their friends. The app lets you snap a photo and then put a filter on it to give it a unique look. Pictures are then shared on Instagram with users on there, and they can also be uploaded to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media platforms.

Here are a few statistics that show just how popular Instagram has become over the past 2 years:

  • 80 million+ registered users
  • A new user signs up every second
  • 4+ billion photos uploaded
  • 5 million+ photos uploaded per day
  • 575 ?likes? per second
  • 81 comments per second

With statistics like these, it?s no surprise that savvy marketers and PR people have started using Instagram as another way to engage their audience and to tell compelling stories. But how exactly can your business use Instagram for PR?

  • Make an announcement ? Instagram gives you another way to announce various company news. Releasing a new product? Share a photo of it. Hire a new employee? Take a fun picture of them. Have a big event coming up? Upload a photo of the venue. There are many different ways you can use Instagram to make announcements.
  • Tell a story about your products and services ? Don?t just post boring photos of your products. Tell a story about them that shows how people interact with them and what they can do. For example, if you?re an interior designer, you could post before and after photos of your projects to show how your work transforms your clients? homes.
  • Show your employees to add a face to your company ? Sharing photos of your employees is a good way to show off your company culture and to add a human element to your brand. People do business and build relationships with people, not faceless companies. Plus, this is a good way to recognize your team and to improve employee morale.
  • Hold a contest ? In the past, I?ve talked about how businesses can use contests and giveaways to boost PR. Using Instagram to hold a contest creates news and gives you another way to engage your customers.

Is your company on Instagram? If so, how does your company use Instagram? And if not, why not?

Share your thoughts by commenting below.

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (http://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in press release writing and distribution. Download the free whitepaper The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest here: http://www.ereleases.com/insider/pinterest.html

Tags: boring photos, company culture, company news, contests, human element, media platforms, photo, relationships, savvy marketers, sharing photos, statistics

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Source: http://www.ereleases.com/prfuel/how-your-business-can-use-instagram-for-pr/

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Pitch Perfect 2012 Movie Review

Pitch Perfect, a movie about a Capella and how could it can get in college to state competitions. Think dancing themed movies, add a bit of Glee influence, loads of beautiful a Capella voices and young folks, and there you have the movie screening I just caught tonight. Courtesy of ChurpChurp, I had the opportunity to catch this movie screening before it opens in Malaysian cinemas on the 15th November 2012.?

Released more than a month back overseas, it's good to know that we are getting it in Malaysia too, albeit a bit later. Now I'm a real big fan of music, and rhythmic stuff, be it games, songs, or movies hence I did not miss out the chance when invited to catch the screening of Pitch Perfect.

The premise of Pitch Perfect revolves mainly around a Capella competitions, with the main cast consisting of college students from Barden College. We have "The Bellas", an all-girl a Capella group which failed rather miserably at a previous finals, when Aubrey (Anna Camp), got sick from the pressure and literally puked all over the stage.

Fast forward four months, and we see ourselves with an all-new group of The Bellas consisting of mostly freshies save for the seniors Aubrey and Chloe (Brittany Snow). Together they prepare themselves for another shot at fame and glory fighting against some really cool other a Capella groups, namely the Treble Makers, an all-boy champion group.?

What made the difference this time around was the myriad of talents in the new Bellas group, most notably would be the really awesome Beca (Anna Kendrick) who is an expert in mixing up songs aka DJ style. It was a good thing she had a really good voice too, and was recruited soon after into the all-girls group.?

One thing led to another, and soon we found our girl-group transforming themselves into this superb a Capella group Way better than their predecessors,there were multiple hiccups along the way as Aubrey was adamant to maintain their old-style of singing which was no longer relevant. Along the way, we get to see the antics of various other Bellas group members, one of which really cracked me up, Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) who is no stranger to sex and crude jokes.

Overall, I pretty much enjoyed this movie. Even though the plot was virtually non-existence and it was really predictable, I must say I liked the ride through. Probably it was due to the sweet a Capella singing from the cast members. The music and songs were sung really well, and coupled with the different antics of the various members, Pitch Perfect is a pretty good watch if you're into musical movies. All in all, I would probably give this a 6/10 for it's cast, and nice music.?

About Isaac Tan
Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. My name is Isaac Tan and I cover mostly on lifestyle events with emphasis on happenings in Kuala Lumpur, food reviews, movies, tech and more. Subscribe to my feed and my facebook page. Do follow me on Twitter too at @isaactanjs , contact me via my email at isaac.tan[at]gmail[dot]com

Source: http://www.isaactan.net/2012/11/pitch-perfect-2012-movie-review.html

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