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Are Apple's China Problems Over?

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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Checked 3:45 AM; Last Updated 9:30 PM CST; 03:30 GMT


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If both rumors are true, which would have more immediate impact on Apple's bottom line: iWatch, or Apple television? Cast your vote in "Today's Poll..." in the left column below or go straight to the results here.

Friday Highlights: Judge grants Einhorn's bid to block Apple proxy vote, more in our Apple/Macintosh, and Finances sections; Fortune's Allan Sloan believes Apple could learn from Progressive, a company with "an intelligent, rational, and transparent way to deal with the surplus cash that its operations generate. Apple doesn't"; and Douglas McIntyre calls Apple's board "weak" and problematic in leading the company through times of crisis; Morgan Stanley sat down with Apple CFO, Peter Oppenheimer, came "away more confident" that a low-cost iPhone is in the works; patent lawsuit against Apple targets OS X server, iCloud; Mactuts+ presents their complete guide to the Mac App Store; Macworld explores the sharing features on your Mac, also explains emergency backups you may not know you already have; Macs in Chemistry walks through various offsite backup options you have; smart connected device market being fought out between Apple, Samsung; Apple supplier in China faces fines for polluting local river; MacNewsWorld on the iWatch patent(s) greasing gears of concept designers; iOS 6.1.3 coming soon, said to fix passcode bug; Primate Labs benchmarks the new Retina MacBook Pro, Gizmag compares the new Chromebook Pixel and MacBook Air; Crave shows photo differences between the new HTC One and iPhone 5; TidBITS reviews Mailbox for iPhone; Peter Cohan at Forbes discusses "Apple's innovation problem"; what does Apple fanboy M.G. Siegler think of Google Chromebook Pixel?; James Kostohryz asks whether Apple will exist in 3 years, and if so, what will be its worth?

Today's MacUpdate Promo offers 50% savings on Rails 1.0.1. "Build and control your own railroad with the engaging and addictive Rails. Inspired by classic simulation games from the 90s, Rails puts you in control of the switches and signals, thrusting you headlong into the bustling word of railyard management. Optimize your routes, reduce collisions, and earn awards and achievements -- with Rails, you're in for hours of high-speed excitement!"

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Fri Feb 22
"Are Apple's China Problems Over?" Wall St. Cheat Sheet 1:53 PM
  • "Apple Pulls Controversial Proxy Proposal After Court Ruling"?AllThingsD?7:11 PM
  • "Apple yanks proxy proposal after judge backs Einhorn: The company removes a proposal that would eliminate its ability to issue 'blank check' preferred stock without investor approval."?CNET News?8:12 PM
  • "All eyes on Apple's next move after ruling: Company unlikely to issue dividend in interim"?MarketWatch?7:12 PM
  • "Apple Shareholder Vote Blocked at Greenlight's Request"?Bloomberg?3:48 PM
  • "Judge Grants David Einhorn's Bid to Block Apple Proxy Vote"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?3:48 PM
  • "Judge Sides With Einhorn and Halts an Apple Shareholder Vote"?New York Times [Free/Paid Registration Required]?9:25 PM
  • "Einhorn wins ruling against Apple in stock fight"?Reuters?3:50 PM
  • "Einhorn scores legal victory vs. Apple in cash scuffle"?Reuters?7:11 PM
  • "Court backs Einhorn bid to stop Apple proxy vote: Legal victory for hedge fund manager's bid to force Apple to share more of its wealth with investors."?CNET News?3:49 PM
  • "Greenlight Wins Bid to Block Apple Shareholder Vote: Video"?Bloomberg?3:49 PM
  • "Apple loses in key issue in Einhorn battle: But NY federal court reject's injunction against say-on-pay"?MarketWatch?3:58 PM
  • "Einhorn wins battle to block Apple vote"?Financial Times [Paid Membership Required]?3:59 PM
  • "Basically, David Einhorn Set Up A Huge Showdown With Apple's Management"?Business Insider?8:38 AM
  • "Apple: Morgan Stanley Sees Higher Div, Cheaper iPhones"?Forbes?8:42 AM
  • "Morgan Stanley expects 6% dividend, cheaper 'iPhone mini' after meeting with Apple CFO"?AppleInsider?8:58 AM
  • "iPhone Mini launch this summer makes sense, analyst says: Morgan Stanley argues that new iPhones, including one for emerging markets, could launch this summer, while the iPad will likely be refreshed by the middle of the year."?CNET News?10:15 AM
  • "German court stays Samsung's voiceover patent lawsuit against Apple: patent likely invalid"?Foss Patents?8:56 AM
  • "Samsung's Ill-Conceived Apple VoiceOver Suit Stayed in Germany"?AllThingsD?12:52 PM
  • "Apple may have to compensate iPad 3 owners in Brazil: Apple is being sued for making the iPad 3 obsolete with the launch of the iPad 4"?Macworld UK?8:38 AM
  • "How Tim Cook Rose To Become Apple's CEO: Here's a short video we put together on Apple CEO Tim Cook. He's leading the most valuable tech company in the world, but most people outside of tech don't know much about him. This little primer should help." [Video Report]?Business Insider?12:59 PM
  • "Apple's Tim Cook Demanded Competitor Innovation: He Got it"?The Mac Observer?3:45 PM
  • "Apple's OS X Server and iCloud Targeted in new Patent Lawsuit"?Patently Apple?8:57 AM
  • "Q&A: MacFixIt Answers/Readers ask questions about how to automate keystroke sequences in OS X, and other topics."?MacFixIt?3:58 PM
  • "The 7-step edit in Aperture 3.4"?Macworld?9:08 PM
  • "The Complete Guide to the Mac App Store"?Mactuts+?9:04 AM
  • "TotalSpaces: How Virtual Desktops on OS X Got Its Groove Back"?The Mac Observer?10:24 AM
  • "Exploring the Mac's sharing features"?Macworld?7:53 AM
  • "MacMost Now 830: Exporting Contacts Using Numbers"?MacMost?7:50 AM
  • "Emergency backups you didn't know you had"?Macworld?8:50 AM
  • "How to Enable the New 'Composers View' in iTunes 11.0.2"?MacTrast?7:17 PM
  • "iOS device syncing in iTunes 11, audiobook lengths, and listening in mono"?Macworld?8:50 AM
  • "You're working too hard ? relax and try out these 10 amazing Mac easter eggs"?memeburn?7:48 AM
  • "What Can I Actually Upgrade On My Mac?"?Lifehacker?9:08 PM
  • "Change The Default Font Size In Notes App On Your Mac [OS X Tips]?Cult of Mac?8:51 AM
  • "How to Email Pictures from iPhoto Using Mail.app Instead of iPhoto's Built-in Email Feature"?Mac OS X Hints?10:25 AM
  • "Use Lynx Browser with Image Support in X11 for Fast Low Bandwidth Web Browsing"?OS X Daily?3:59 PM
  • "Have New Camera, Will Take Many Thousands Of Photos, Must Have Bulk Photo Editor For Mac"?TeraTalks?7:54 AM
  • "Yet Another App To Control iTunes From The Mac's Menubar (and this one does Spotify, too)"?Mac 360?7:54 AM
  • "When It Comes To Getting Things Done On A Mac, What's New Under The Sun? Eisenpower!"?NoodleMac?7:54 AM
  • "The Monster Calculator From Yesteryear Is Here Today And Ready For The Mac"?BohemianBoomer?7:54 AM
  • "If You're A Mac User Into Drag And Drop Instead Of Point And Click Then You'll Like Dropzone"?Mac 360?7:54 AM
  • "Why You'll Like Using A New Mac Database App That's Simple, Fast, Powerful, And Affordable"?McSolo?7:54 AM
  • "The Touch Screen That's Coming To The Mac And Why That's A Crazy, Brain Dead Idea"?PixoBebo?7:52 AM
Press Releases
  • "TextWrangler 4.5 Now Retina Ready; Gets New Go Menu, Compare Against Previous Versions, and More"?MacPrices?12:32 PM
  • "M-SIX introduces VEO for the AEC industry"?Architosh?11:53 AM
  • "Essential Mac management tools: If you're trying to add Macs to a fleet of Windows machines, you'll want to check out these offerings" [Slideshow]?InfoWorld?11:38 AM
  • "LEGO The Lord Of The Rings For Mac OS X Out Now, But Not On Steam"?Cult of Mac?8:51 AM
  • "Weather Tab Pro available on the Mac App Store, already Top 10"?prMac?8:05 AM
  • "Mac Apps: iAntivirus, TextWrangler, Chrome, Freeway"?FairerPlatform?7:53 AM
  • "These Are the Bacteria Lurking on Your Phone"?Gizmodo?7:44 AM
  • "Apple's App Store, iTunes back online after outages: The company's online services all seem to be back in business now after hit by outages yesterday."?CNET News?8:42 AM
  • "Samsung and Apple Slugging It Out in the Smart Connected Devices Market"?AllThingsD?9:53 AM
  • "'Post-PC Era' Predicted By Steve Jobs Taking Hold as Samsung Tops Apple in Connected Device Market"?MacRumors?9:43 AM
  • "Samsung has overtaken Apple in 'smart connected devices'"?Fortune?10:30 AM
  • "Tablets Take Off In 2012 According To Millennial, With Kindle Fire And iPad Mini Seeing Rapid Growth"?TechCrunch?7:49 AM
  • "Chart of the day: Apple tops Samsung in mobile ad share"?Fortune?8:11 AM
  • "Apple supplier penalized for polluting nearby river in China: Apple is investigating the incident, according to an environmental group"?Computerworld?8:11 AM
  • "Apple supplier faces sanctions over pollution"?Financial Times [Paid Membership Required]?9:19 AM
  • "Microsoft cooler than before, but Apple on top"?Reuters?12:15 PM
  • "LG ad riffs on Apple's panorama commercial, and expands on it"?AppleInsider?9:35 AM
  • "Google confirms Glass will work with iPhone"?TUAW?8:09 PM
  • "Ferrari edges out Apple to become world's most powerful brand"?Digital Trends?1:06 PM
  • "NYPD forms dedicated team to catch thieves who steal iPhones and iPads"?New York Post?10:56 AM
  • "Apple now working with NYPD to curb iPhone thefts"?Network World?10:56 AM
  • "NYPD creates special team to recover stolen Apple devices"?CNET News?9:27 PM
  • "How a dedicated team of NYPD cops work with Apple to catch iDevice thieves, even in other countries"?9 to 5 Mac?10:30 AM
  • "NYPD Team Working With Apple to Catch iPhone, iPad Thieves"?PC Magazine?11:53 AM
  • "NYPD And Apple Team Up To Stop iThing Theft In NYC"?TechCrunch?1:00 PM
  • "Locked iPhone Sales Challenged in Hong Kong"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?7:50 AM
  • "iPhone Deflects Bullet, Saves Soldier's Life"?MacTrast?7:14 PM
  • "Free iOS MLB app update charges users $125.00"?ZDNet?12:52 PM
Non-Apple News
  • "Hacktivists Prep For International Open Data Day"?InformationWeek?12:56 PM
  • "Sony's PS4 future lies in the cloud"?CNNMoney?12:46 PM
  • "New video games mirror debates about data privacy, hacking"?Washington Post [Free Registration Required]?12:35 PM
  • "No touch screen, no keyboard: enter Airwriting"?TG Daily?12:23 PM
  • "Facebook engineers identify Graph Search's big data challenges"?IDG News Service?11:56 AM
  • "Facebook to put old, rarely viewed photos into 'cold storage'"?NBC News?11:46 AM
  • "Austrian research team develop a new flat, flexible, transparent, and potentially disposable polymer sheet for capturing images"?DigiTimes?10:49 AM
  • "Taiwan PC industry at a critical moment: An interview with Wistron chairman"?DigiTimes?10:48 AM
  • "'Star Trek'-like tricorder available soon"?USA Today?10:46 AM
  • "North Korea to offer mobile internet access"?BBC?10:24 AM
  • "LivesOn: New Service to Let You Tweet When You're Dead"?ABCNews?10:23 AM
  • "Amid Hacking Headaches, Twitter Begins Using Email Authentication"?FOXBusiness?11:10 AM
  • "Google buildings exposed to toxic vapors left by chipmakers"?CNET News?12:55 PM
  • "Google adds fee-based support services for cloud platform customers: Users of products like App Engine, Compute Engine and Big Query will be able to purchase access to a variety of technical support services"?IDG News Service?11:57 AM
  • "Chrome 25 Adds Voice Support, Devs Get App Launcher"?PC Magazine?11:52 AM
  • "Google patches Chrome browser, bans stealth add-ons"?PCWorld?11:55 AM
  • "Conan can't resist making an ass of Google Glass"?CNET News?10:12 AM
  • "Nokia to fight rivals with cheaper models -sources"?Reuters?10:06 AM
  • "Samsung Wants to Be a Media Giant. Meet the Guy in Charge of Getting Them There."?AllThingsD?12:51 PM
  • "Samsung Copies the BlackBerry Playbook"?WSJ.com [Paid Membership Required]?9:43 AM
  • "Combes Named to Lead Alcatel-Lucent Through Troubled Time"?New York Times [Free/Paid Registration Required]?10:15 AM
  • "Gene Steinberg meets tech writer Kirk McElhearn, and Laptop magazine's Avram Piltch, this week on The Tech Night Owl LIVE!"?The Tech Night Owl LIVE?7:07 PM
  • "An Apple watch, PS4, security and bug fixes, cheap iPhone and slippers"?Insanely Great Mac?12:52 PM
  • "New iPad 5 Case Consistent with Rumored Mini-Style Redesign"?MacRumors?9:22 PM
  • "Apple Hiring 'Maps Ground Truth Data Specialist' in Australia"?MacRumors?7:15 PM
  • "iWatch-y Patent Greases the Gears of Concept Designers: There's been much ado about the possibility that an iWatch is in the works, and the buzz was fueled this week by the publication of a patent application Apple filed back in 2011. More than a few renderings of possible designs have been circulating on the Web as well: and one of them in particular seems more Apple-ish than the rest."?MacNewsWorld?9:04 AM
  • "Apple releases iOS 6.1.3 beta with passcode bug fix in tow"?CNET News?9:42 AM
  • "Smartphone by Manufacturer - FixYa Report"?FixYa?2:56 PM
  • "Apple's iPhone Tops Smartphone Reliability Ratings"?ReadWrite?11:40 AM
  • "iPhones are 3X more reliable than Samsung smartphones, Fixya says"?VentureBeat?11:38 AM
  • "Apple v. Samsung: What are the most reliable smartphones on the market?"?ZDNet?12:06 PM
  • "FixYa Study Finds Apple Smartphones to be the Most Reliable"?MacRumors?2:57 PM
  • "Leaked iPad Mini Images Hint at Retina Display"?PC Magazine?11:53 AM
  • "AU Optronics reportedly started mass producing iPad mini 2 Retina panels"?iDownload Blog?4:22 PM
  • "Supposed 2nd-Gen iPad mini Images Surface with Blue Logo"?PadGadget?12:39 PM
  • "GIS expected to bump up touch panel lamination shipments for iPad mini"?DigiTimes?8:09 AM
  • "Is A Retina Display Coming To The MacBook Air In Q3 Of 2013?"?Apple'n'Apps?1:51 PM
  • "Apple working on techniques for presenting sound effects on a portable device"?AppleDailyReport?8:24 AM
Price Trackers/Deals
  • "Doors&Rooms[PLUS] For iPhone and iPad Is Temporarily Available For Free (Normally $0.99)"?Apple Sliced?8:39 AM
  • "Nuclien For iPhone and iPad Is Free Right Now (Previously $0.99)"?Apple Sliced?8:39 AM
  • "FLASHOUT 3D For iPhone and iPad Is Free Today (Was $2.99)"?Apple Sliced?8:39 AM
  • "15" MacBook Pro Prices & Sales"?MacPrices?7:53 AM
  • "13" MacBook Pro Prices & Sales"?MacPrices?7:53 AM
  • "MacBook Pro Prices -15 Inch Models -$1,300 to $3,049 -Best Deals, Reviews & Information"?MacReviewZone?7:51 AM
  • "MacBook Pro Prices -13 Inch Models -$1,019 To $2,194 -Best Deals, Reviews & Information"?MacReviewZone?7:51 AM
  • "MacBook Air Prices -$600 To $1,599 -Best Deals, Reviews And Information"?MacReviewZone?7:51 AM
  • "PadGadget Daily App Deal ? 11 iPad Apps on Sale"?PadGadget?9:04 AM
  • "Mac Games: Assassins Creed, $7.49; Civ V, $7.49; More"?FairerPlatform?12:32 PM

Deal Brothers Daily Deal: Buy Today, Save 20% Flying JetBlue in May

  • "Chromebook Pixel vs. MacBook Air"?Gizmag?7:53 AM
  • "HTC One vs iPhone 5 camera duel: Ultrapixel tech tested"?Crave @ CNET?8:11 AM
  • "Which To Choose (Take Two): 27-inch iMac with GTX 675MX GPU? or with GeForce GTX 680MX?"?Bare Feats?12:04 PM
  • "Hands-on: Logitech Bluetooth Easy-Switch Keyboard, Mac, iOS"?Electronista?8:58 AM
  • "Logitech UE Mobile Boombox"?iLounge?3:59 PM
  • "Reviews: Apogee Electronics MiC Studio Quality Microphone"?iLounge?1:53 PM
  • "Four Speck cases for the iPhone 5"?Macworld?1:53 PM
  • "Review: SmartFlex View for iPhone 5"?Macworld?8:51 AM
  • "Review: CandyShell Grip for iPhone 5"?Macworld?8:51 AM
  • "Review: SmartFlex Card for iPhone 5"?Macworld?7:50 AM
  • "Review: Delano Case for iPad Mini, Nexus 7, Kindle Fire, Kindle, And Other 7' Tablet"?Run Around Tech?9:03 AM
iPad/iPhone/iPod touch Apps
  • "Postcardly Postcards for iOS review: Only a few steps, and your postcard is in the mail"?CNET Reviews?8:40 PM
  • "Review: Aerofly FS ? A Realistic, Easy-to-Learn Flight Simulator for iOS"?MacTrast?7:15 PM
  • "Mailbox for iPhone Eases Email Triage but Lacks Key Features"?TidBITS?9:44 AM
  • "Furnish for iOS taps augmented reality to transport IKEA and Crate & Barrel furniture to your home"?The Next Web?8:24 AM
  • "Comparing iPad weather apps at a glance"?iMore?9:22 PM
  • "Built For Entrepreneurs And Investors, Simplr For iPhone Sorts And Prioritizes Your AngelList Feeds"?TechCrunch?12:05 PM
  • "Yahoo updates Flickr iPhone app with tagging, faster uploads, volume shutter and more"?Digital Trends?8:58 AM
  • "Vector Graphics Geeks Will Fall for B?zier ? iPad App Review"?PadGadget?9:05 AM
  • "Met Someone New? Say, 'Hello.' Then, Use iPhone's Evernote Hello To Remember The Details (it's free)"?Mac 360?7:52 AM
  • "Appidemic: Worm Run for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch"?AppleTell?8:56 AM
  • "'Backflip Madness' Review - The Worst Game I Can't Stop Playing"?Touch Arcade?11:41 AM
  • "Study Smarter ? Take Notes And Highlight Text Within iBooks [iOS Tips]?Cult of Mac?3:02 PM
  • "Automatically backing up photos via cellular data Article"?iLounge?2:58 PM
  • "Apple Loop: Considering iPrefs, Patenting The iWatch, Living In A 'Weird' Post-Jobs World"?Forbes?8:12 PM
  • "iPad problems: What users complain about most"?Digital Trends?7:13 PM
  • "Judge tells Apple and Samsung to narrow their new patent case"?Ars Technica?2:55 PM
  • "Samsung's outrageous VoiceOver suit against Apple stayed in Germany"?iDownload Blog?2:47 PM
  • "The iPad Can Be a True Mac Alternative"?Shawn Blanc?8:08 PM
  • "Why the iPad still can't be a true Mac replacement"?Macworld?12:52 PM
  • "Why I bought a MacBook Air"?ZDNet?12:06 PM
  • "Chromebook Pixel Validates Microsoft's Touch Strategy, Could Force Apple's Hand"?Benzinga Insights?12:02 PM
  • "How China Mobile Could Get the iPhone"?TheStreet?10:57 AM
  • "Grand Theft Apple: killing the console"?Computerworld?10:56 AM
  • "How Apple Is Better At 'Planned Obsolescence' Than Any Other Technology Company"?Mac 360?10:26 AM
  • "Why Every Analyst Is In Love With The Siren Song Of The Low-Cost iPhone"?TechCrunch?10:29 AM
  • "Why An iPhone Mini Is Key For Apple Continuing To Grow"?Cult of Mac?10:19 AM
  • "Apple's Innovation Problem"?Forbes?9:44 AM
  • "More Support For A Low Cost iPhone"?Apple Bitch?9:05 AM
  • "Brazil lawsuit claims iPad 3 made intentionally obsolete"?iDownload Blog?9:03 AM
  • "Will Apple Exist 3 Years From Now? How Much Will It Be Worth?"?Seeking Alpha?8:19 AM
  • "Steve Job's Financial Planning Advice: You Are Already Naked"?Forbes?8:19 AM
  • "Why iOS won't become Apple's 'Windows XP'"?ZDNet?12:06 PM
  • "Risk Averse: Will iOS Become Apple's Windows XP?"?ReadWrite?8:08 AM
  • "Apple Patent For Solar Watch Could Fire Up Stock Again"?Forbes?11:25 AM
  • "Wearable computing devices ? like, say, an 'iWatch,' could exceed 485 million annual shipments by 2018"?AppleDailyReport?8:31 AM
  • "Apple's iWatch Concept Is Real - And Here's How It Might Work"?ReadWrite?8:08 AM
  • "Apple 'slap wrap' patent fuels iWatch rumour"?ZDNet?7:50 AM
  • "Google Glass Isn't Very Good Yet, And It Gives People Headaches, Says VC Who Played With Them"?Business Insider?2:46 PM
  • "I miss removable batteries"?ZDNet?12:42 PM
  • "6 ways to speed an old computer"?USA Today?12:31 PM
  • "Even Sony isn't sure what PS4 will look like"?Mashable?12:11 PM
  • "The Hottest Games Coming to Sony's PS4"?PC Magazine?11:50 AM
  • "Review: HP brings sizzle to Windows Storage Server/The HP StoreEasy 5530 puts serious muscle behind Windows file serving, Hyper-V virtualization, and SQL Server workloads"?InfoWorld?11:17 AM
  • "Why you should sign the phone-unlocking petition right now"?InfoWorld?11:16 AM
  • "Hands-on with the Ubuntu Touch Linux smartphone"?InfoWorld?11:16 AM
  • "Where Is The Digital Work Force Growing Fastest?"?Forbes?11:06 AM
  • "Slideshow: Technologies that stood out at 60th ISSCC"?EE Times?10:49 AM
  • "What smartphone feature would you like to see in the future?"?CNN?10:39 AM
  • "Here's what Facebook Graph Search is doing next"?VentureBeat [Free Registration Required]?12:35 PM
  • "How to post to Facebook, Twitter after you die"?CNN?10:39 AM
  • "You Will Subscribe To, Not Buy Software"?BYTE?10:19 AM
  • "Is Republic's $19 cell phone service too good to be true?"?CNET News?10:12 AM
  • "Patent Application Reveals Key Factors In Google News Algorithm"?Forbes?11:07 AM
  • "Hearing Is Believing: People Don'T Realize How Important Great Sound Is Until They Experience It"?BGR?10:16 AM
  • "Sorry, But There'S No Defense For The Chromebook Pixel"?BGR?1:51 PM
  • "Chromebook Pixel hands-on (photos)"?ZDNet?12:41 PM
  • "Get Real, Google. The Pixel Is Too Pricey"?PC Magazine?11:52 AM
  • "Inside Google's ultrabook gambit: With a new laptop, Google is betting that living in the cloud on an ultrabook is not just cheaper, but much better."?Fortune?11:08 AM
  • "Chromebook Pixel: Google takes on Apple"?Telegraph?8:03 AM
  • "Low Latency No. 52: The waiting game"?CNET News [cartoon]?10:15 AM
  • "Pearls Before Swine"?GoComics?8:12 AM
  • "CEO Whitman: 'We Should Not Break Up' HP" [Video Report]?CNBC?10:01 AM
  • "HP's Whitman vows to keep the company intact, 'on track'"?IDG News Service?11:54 AM
  • "Meg Whitman Wants to Fix and Rebuild HP, Not Break It Up (Video)"?AllThingsD?1:11 PM
  • "H-P Good News Bodes Well for Whitman's Turnaround" [Video Report]?Bloomberg?10:03 AM
  • "HP Investors Heave Sigh of Relief, But Challenges Remain"?TheStreet?9:38 AM
  • "HP Earnings Better Than Feared, but Still Not Great"?AllThingsD?9:51 AM
  • "H-P Analysts Aren't Exactly Jumping on Bullish Bandwagon"?WSJ Blogs?12:34 PM
  • "H-P stock rally not seen since Mark Hurd era: But Meg Whitman's 'better together' gets mixed reviews"?MarketWatch?12:49 PM
  • "HP shares jump after strong results, analysts raise targets"?Reuters?10:01 AM
  • "H-P Shares Rally 8% on Upbeat Guidance"?FOXBusiness?11:10 AM

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