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Is Your Copywriting Full of HOT A.I.R.? | WorkWithRichardP.com


Network Marketing is no different!

In a moment we will discuss Copywriting & A.I.R. but first?

If I were to ask you what is the most important factor in your sales letter, email campaign, PPC ad, etc. What would your answer be?

Probably the Headline right?

While I would tend to agree that a strong headline is extremely important, the #1 factor to take into account when writing copy that will convert is:

Knowing Your Customer, Prospect and Target Market!

As basic as this my sound, its imperative your copy gets in front of people who want what you are selling. Not what you think they should want. Big difference!

Take the time to research not only what your customer or prospects are looking for, but be aware of what they don?t like as well. Avoid using words or terms that have a negative connotation that can turn-off your reader. The only way to be successful in writing compelling copy is to know your target market inside and out. So be sure and take the time to research your audience prior to writing.

Since my blog is designed to help people with their internet or network marketing business, I will approach this next step with the idea of attracting prospects who are looking for a home business or a way to make money online.

Normally, most will approach directing their sales letters or advertising towards making money, or how much money can be made in X amount of time.

Rather than putting the emphasis on Money, why not direct the reader, or attract your prospects with the Time, Freedom approach?? Sure, money is important, but having time to do something with all the money they make is far more enticing.

Pushing the right buttons will make all the difference in your conversion rate. The old analogy of Lawyers & Doctors making a boat load money, but having no time to enjoy it, makes a powerful case for time and freedom.

Providing solutions to people?s problems is the cord you need to strike in your copywriting.

Here are 3 things you should include to keep your copywriting from being full of HOT A.I.R.

Now is probably as good a time as any to mention David Garfinkel and the Copywriters Guild. David is a master copywriter, extremely successful and the co-founder of The Copywriters Guild. He offers a free 6 series special report on copywriting, which is the inspiration of todays blog post.

You can get your free copy here! I highly recommend this series if you are serious about learning how to write effective copy.

Okay, lets get back to A. I. R.

1. Ask

2. Imagine

3. Remember

Step 1 ~ ASK

We all know that testimonials are a powerful sales tool and David suggests taking it one step further. Find the most passionate customers possible, get them on the phone and ask them to be specific about what the product or service has done for them. With their permission, record the conversation so you can refer back to it looking for those golden nuggets, or specific language the customer uses to describe the benefits they have received.

In talking with several customers you will begin to find similar words or themes that are mentioned over and over again. These are the talking points you Must include in your copy. Again, this all goes back to knowing your target market and who your customer is.

Step 2 ~ Imagine

If you truly come to understand your customer, or prospect then you understand what their life is like?

Imagine putting yourself in your prospects shoes. Chances are you?ve been there yourself. Think about how your product or service offers a solution by:

A. What can they do now that they couldn?t do before?

B. What can they do now more quickly or more easily?

C. What problems do they have that would become smaller or disappear altogether?

D. Would other people look at them in a different light?

E. Could they make more money as a result of what the product has done for them?

F. Could the product save them money?

Let your imagination run wild and find specific answers to these questions, then write your copy or headlines around them.

Step 3 ~ Remember

Think back to your own experiences. What was life like before using the product or service yourself? Has your life changed in anyway as a result of it? If necessary, write out two lists, a ?Before? and ?After? list. Put as many details down on paper as possible. In no time you will begin to see similarities which will allow you to add to the benefits of your product or service. Then, speak to those when writing your copy!

In closing, taking the time and making the effort to fully understand your customer or prospect before writing your copy will make all the difference in how successful your campaigns convert.?This article is just a tiny snippet of David?s 6 series report.

There is so much valuable information within his series that I believe anyone serious about building a business should have his special report in their library.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you found value here, please share it with your friends on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter!

To Your Success!

Richard Petrillo

MLM Prospecting Tips, Richard Petrillo

PS: If you have been struggling in your Network Marketing Business with Generating Leads, Time Management and Leadership Skills? Well, Now There?s a Mobile App For That!



Please leave me a comment below if you have some advice or thoughts on what has been working in your Copywriting efforts.?

Source: http://workwithrichardp.com/is-your-copywriting-full-of-hot-a-i-r/

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