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Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

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Introduction and Brief History of Satellites

A satellite is any object that orbits another object (which is known as its primary). All masses that are part of the solar system, including the Earth, are satellites either of the Sun, or satellites of those objects, such as the Moon. It is not always a simple matter to decide which is the 'satellite' in a pair of bodies. Because all objects exert gravity, the motion of the primary object is also affected by the satellite. If two objects are ufficiently similar in mass, they are generally referred to as a binary system rather than a primary object and satellite. The general criterion for an object to be a satellite is that the center of mass of the two objects is inside the primary object. In popular usage, the term 'satellite' normally refers to an artificial satellite (a man-made object that orbits the Earth or another body).

In May, 1946, the Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship stated, "A satellite vehicle with appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be one of the most potent scientific tools of the Twentieth Century. The achievement of a satellite craft would produce repercussions comparable to the explosion of the atomic bomb..."

The space age began in 1946, as scientists began using captured German V-2 rockets to make measurements in the upper atmosphere. Before this period, scientists used balloons that went up to 30 km and radio waves to study the ionosphere. From 1946 to 1952, upper-atmosphere research was conducted using V-2s and Aerobee rockets. This allowed measurements of atmospheric pressure, density, and temperature up to 200 km. The U.S. had been considering launching orbital satellites since 1945 under the Bureau of Aeronautics of the United States Navy. The Air Force's Project RAND eventually released the above report, but did not believe that the satellite was a potential military weapon; rather they considered it to be a tool for science, politics, and propaganda. Following pressure by the American Rocket Society, the National Science Foundation, and the International Geophysical Year, military interest picked up and in early 1955 the Air Force and Navy were working on Project Orbiter, which involved using a Jupiter C rocket to launch a small satellite called Explorer 1 on January 31, 1958.

On July 29, 1955, the White House announced that the U.S. intended to launch satellites by the spring of 1958. This became known as Project Vanguard. On July 31, the Soviets announced that they intended to launch a satellite by the fall of 1957 and on October 4, 1957 Sputnik I was launched into orbit, which triggered the Space Race between the two nations.

The largest artificial satellite currently orbiting the earth is the International Space Station, which can sometimes be seen with the unaided human eye.

Types of satellites

? Astronomical satellites: These are satellites used for observation of distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects.

? Communications satellites: These are artificial satellites stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications using radio at microwave frequencies. Most communications satellites use geosynchronous orbits or near-geostationary orbits, although some recent systems use low Earth-orbiting satellites.

? Earth observation satellites are satellites specifically designed to observe Earth from orbit, similar to reconnaissance satellites but intended for non-military uses such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, map making etc. (See especially Earth Observing System.)

? Navigation satellites are satellites which use radio time signals transmitted to enable mobile receivers on the ground to determine their exact location. The relatively clear line of sight between the satellites and receivers on the ground, combined with ever-improving electronics, allows satellite navigation systems to measure location to accuracies on the order of a few metres in real time.

? Reconnaissance satellites are Earth observation satellite or communications satellite deployed for military or intelligence applications. Little is known about the full power of these satellites, as governments who operate them usually keep information pertaining to their reconnaissance satellites classified.

? Solar power satellites are proposed satellites built in high Earth orbit that use microwave power transmission to beam solar power to very large antenna on Earth where it can be used in place of conventional power sources.

? Space stations are man-made structures that are designed for human beings to live on in outer space. A space station is distinguished from other manned spacecraft by its lack of major propulsion or landing facilities -- instead, other vehicles are used as transport to and from the station. Space stations are designed for medium-term living in orbit, for periods of weeks, months, or even years.

? Weather satellites are satellites that primarily are used to monitor the weather and/or climate of the Earth.

? Miniaturized satellites are satellites of unusually low weights and small sizes. New classifications are used to categorize these satellites: minisatellite (500-200 kg), microsatellite (below 200 kg), nanosatellite (below 10 kg).

Orbit types

Many times satellites are characterized by their orbit. Although a satellite may orbit at almost any height, satellites are commonly categorized by their altitude:

? Low Earth Orbit (LEO: 200 - 1200km above the Earth's surface)

? Medium Earth Orbit (ICO or MEO: 1200 - 35286 km)

? Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO: 35786 km above Earth's surface) and Geostationary Orbit ( zero inclination geosynchronous orbit). These orbits are of particular interest for communication satellites and will be discussed in detail later.

? High Earth Orbit (HEO: above 35786 km)

The following orbits are special orbits that are also used to categorize satellites:

? Molniya orbits: Is a class of a highly elliptic orbit. A satellite placed in this orbit spends most of its time over a designated area of the earth, a phenomenon known as apogee dwell. Molniya orbits are named after a series of Soviet/Russian Molniya communications satellites that have been using this class of orbits since the mid 1960s.

? Heliosynchronous or sun-synchronous orbit: A heliosynchronous orbit, or more commonly a sun-synchronous orbit is an orbit in which an object always passes over any given point of the Earth's surface at the same local solar time. This is a useful characteristic for satellites that image the earth's surface in visible or infrared wavelengths (e.g. weather, spy and remote sensing satellites).

? Polar orbit : A satellite in a polar orbit passes above or nearly above both poles of the planet (or other celestial body) on each revolution.

? Hohmann transfer orbit: For this particular orbit type, it is more common to identify the satellite as a spacecraft. In astronautics and aerospace engineering, the Hohmann transfer orbit is an orbital maneuver that moves a spacecraft from one orbit to another.

? Supersynchronous orbit or drift orbit : orbit above GEO. Satellites will drift in a westerly direction.

? Subsynchronous orbit or drift orbit: orbits close to but below GEO. Used for satellites undergoing station changes in an eastern direction.

Communication Satellites

A communications satellite (sometimes abbreviated to comsat) is an artificial satellite stationed in space for the purposes of telecommunications. Modern communications satellites use geosynchronous orbits, Molniya orbits or low Earth orbits.

For fixed services, communications satellites provide a technology complementary to that of fiber optic submarine communication cables. For mobile applications, such as communications to ships and planes satellite based communicationis only the viable means of communications as application of other technologies, such as cable, are impractical or impossible.

Early missions: The origin of satellite communication can be traced to an article written by Arthur C. Clarke in 1945. He suggested that a radio relay satellite in an equatorial orbit with a period of 24 hours would remain stationary with respect to earth's surface and can be used for long-range radio communication, as it will over come the limitations imposed by earth curvature. Sputnik 1, The world's first artificial (non communication) satellite, was launched on October 4, 1957. The first satellite to relay communications was Project SCORE in 1958, which used a tape recorder to store and forward voice messages. It was used to send a Christmas greeting to the world from President Eisenhower. NASA launched an Echo satellite in 1960. This 100-foot aluminized Mylar balloon served as a passive reflector for radio communications. Courier 1B, (built by Philco) also was launched in 1960, was the world's first active repeater satellite. Given below are the details of milestones in satellite communcation history: -

? Herman Potocnik - describes a space station in geosynchronous orbit - 1928

? Arthur C. Clarke - proposes a station in geosynchronous orbit to relay communications and broadcast television - 1945

? Project SCORE - first communications satellite - 1958

? Echo I - first passive reflector satellite - August 1960

? Courier 1B - first active repeater satellite - October 1960

? Telstar - the first active direct relay satellite designed to transmit television and high-speed data communications. Telstar was placed in an elliptical orbit (completed once every 2 hours and 37 minutes), rotating at a 45? angle above the equator. July 1962

? Syncom - first communications satellite in geosynchronous orbit. Syncom 2 revolved around the earth once per day at constant speed, but because it still had north-south motion special equipment was needed to track it. 1963

? OSCAR-III - first amateur radio communications satellite - March 1965

? Molniya - first Soviet communication satellite, highly elliptic orbit - October 1965

? Early Bird - INTELSAT's first satellite for commercial service - April 1965

? Orbita - first national TV network based on satellite television - November 1967

? Anik 1 - the first national satellite television system, Canada, - 1973

? Westar 1, the USA's first geosynchronous communications satellite - April 1974

? Ekran - first serial Direct-To-Home TV communication satellite 1976

? Palapa A1 - first Indonesia communications satellite - July 8 1976

? TDRSS - first satellite designed to provide communications relay services for other spacecraft. - 1983

? Mars Global Surveyor - first communications satellite in orbit around another planet (Mars) - 1997

? Cassini spacecraft relays to Earth images from the Huygens probe as it lands on Saturn's moon, Titan, the longest relay to date. -- January 14, 2005

Depending on the need the communication satellites can be placed in various types of orbits. We discuss few common types: -

(a) Geostationary orbits Satellites: A satellite in a geostationary orbit appears to be in a fixed position to an earth-based observer. A geostationary satellite revolves around the earth at a constant speed once per day over the equator. The geostationary orbit is useful for communications applications because ground based antennae, which must be directed toward the satellite, can operate effectively without the need for expensive equipment to track the satellite's motion. Especially for applications that require a large number of ground antennae (such as direct TV distribution), the savings in ground equipment can more than justify the extra cost and onboard complexity of lifting a satellite into the relatively high geostationary orbit.

The concept of the geostationary communications satellite was first proposed by Arthur C. Clarke, building on work by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and on the 1929 work by Herman Poto?nik (writing as Herman Noordung) Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums - der Raketen-motor. In October 1945 Clarke published an article titled "Extra-terrestrial Relays" in the British magazine Wireless World. The article described the fundamentals behind the deployment of artificial satellites in geostationary orbits for the purpose of relaying radio signals. Thus Arthur C. Clarke is often quoted as being the inventor of the communications satellite.

The first geostationary communications satellite was Anik 1, a Canadian satellite launched in 1972. The United States launched their own geostationary communication satellites afterward, with Western Union launching their Westar 1 satellite in 1974, and RCA Americom (later GE Americom, now SES Americom) launching Satcom 1 in 1975.
It was Satcom 1 that was instrumental in helping early cable TV channels such as WTBS (now TBS Superstation), HBO, CBN (now ABC Family), and The Weather Channel become successful, because these channels distributed their programming to all of the local cable TV headends using the satellite. Additionally, it was the first satellite used by broadcast TV networks in the United States, like ABC, NBC, and CBS, to distribute their programming to all of their local affiliate stations. The reason that Satcom 1 was so widely used is that it had twice the communications capacity of Westar 1 (24 transponders as opposed to Westar 1's 12), which resulted in lower transponder usage costs.

By 2000 Hughes Space and Communications (now Boeing Satellite Systems) had built nearly 40 percent of the satellites in service worldwide. Other major satellite manufacturers include Space Systems/Loral, Lockheed Martin (owns former RCA Astro Electronics/GE Astro Space business), Northrop Grumman, Alcatel Space and EADS Astrium.

(b) Low-Earth-orbiting satellites: A low Earth orbit typically is a circular orbit about 150 kilometers above the earth's surface and, correspondingly, a period (time to revolve around the earth) of about 90 minutes. Because of their low altitude, these satellites are only visible from within a radius of roughly 1000 kilometers from the sub-satellite point. In addition, satellites in low earth orbit change their position relative to the ground position quickly. So even for local applications, a large number of satellites are needed if the mission requires uninterrupted connectivity.

Low earth orbiting satellites are less expensive to position in space than geostationary satellites and, because of their closer proximity to the ground, require lower signal strength. So there is a trade off between the number of satellites and their cost. In addition, there are important differences in the onboard and ground equipment needed to support the two types of missions.

A group of satellites working in concert thus is known as a satellite constellation. Two such constellations which were intended for provision for hand held telephony, primarily to remote areas, were the Iridium and Globalstar. The Iridium system has 66 satellites. Another LEO satellite constellation, with backing from Microsoft entrepreneur Paul Allen, was to have as many as 720 satellites. It is also possible to offer discontinuous coverage using a low Earth orbit satellite capable of storing data received while passing over one part of Earth and transmitting it later while passing over another part. This will be the case with the CASCADE system of Canada's CASSIOPE communications satellite.

(c) Molniya satellites: As mentioned, geostationary satellites are constrained to operate above the equator. As a consequence, they are not always suitable for providing services at high latitudes: for at high latitudes a geostationary satellite may appear low on (or even below) the horizon, affecting connectivity and causing multipathing (interference caused by signals reflecting off the ground into the ground antenna). The first satellite of Molniya series was launched on April 23, 1965 and was used for experimental transmission of TV signal from Moscow uplink station to downlink stations, located in Russian Far East, in Khabarovsk, Magadan and Vladivostok. In November of 1967 Soviet engineers created a unique system of national TV network of satellite television, called Orbita that was based on Molniya satellites.

Molniya orbits can be an appealing alternative in such cases. The Molniya orbit is highly inclined, guaranteeing good elevation over selected positions during the northern portion of the orbit. (Elevation is the extent of the satellite's position above the horizon. Thus a satellite at the horizon has zero elevation and a satellite directly overhead has elevation of 90 degrees). Furthermore, the Molniya orbit is so designed that the satellite spends the great majority of its time over the far northern latitudes, during which its ground footprint moves only slightly. Its period is one half day, so that the satellite is available for operation over the targeted region for eight hours every second revolution. In this way a constellation of three Molniya satellites (plus in-orbit spares) can provide uninterrupted coverage.

Molniya satellites are typically used for telephony and TV services over Russia. Another application is to use them for mobile radio systems (even at lower latitudes) since cars traveling through urban areas need access to satellites at high elevation in order to secure good connectivity, e.g. in the presence of tall buildings.

Applications of Satellites

(a) Telephony: One of the major applications of a communication satellite is in provision of long distance telephone services. The connectivity is through frequency division multiple access (FDMA) or time division multiple access(TDMA) predominantly. Telephone subscribers can be connected through a network of exchanges which are in turn connected to satellite earth stations which uplink the traffic to satellite for further processing.

(b) Television and Radio: There are two types of satellites used for television and radio:

(i) Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS): A direct broadcast satellite is a communications satellite that transmits to small DBS satellite dishes (usually 18" to 24" in diameter). Direct broadcast satellites generally operate in the upper portion of the Ku band. DBS technology is used for DTH-oriented (Direct-To-Home) satellite TV services, such as DirecTV and Dish Network in the United States, ExpressVu in Canada, and Sky Digital in the UK.

(ii) Fixed Service Satellite (FSS): Use the C band, and the lower portions of the Ku bands. They are normally used for broadcast feeds to and from television networks and local affiliate stations (such as program feeds for network and syndicated programming, live shots, and backhauls), as well as being used for distance learning by schools & universities, business television (BTV), videoconferencing, and general commercial telecommunications. FSS satellites are also used to distribute national cable channels to cable TV headends. FSS satellites differ from DBS satellites in that they have a lower RF power output than the latter, requiring a much larger dish for reception (3 to 8 feet in diameter for Ku band, and 12 feet on up for C band). FSS satellite technology was also originally used for DTH satellite TV from the late 1970s to the early 1990s in the USA in the form of TVRO (TeleVision Receive Only) receivers and dishes (a.k.a. big-dish, or more pejoratively known as big ugly dish, systems). It was also used in its Ku band form for the now-defunct Primestar satellite TV service.

(c) Mobile satellite technologies: Initially available for broadcast to stationary TV receivers, by 2004 popular mobile direct broadcast applications made their appearance with that arrival of two satellite radio systems in the United States: Sirius and XM Satellite Radio Holdings. Some manufacturers have also introduced special antennas for mobile reception of DBS television. Using GPS technology as a reference, these antennas automatically re-aim to the satellite no matter where or how the vehicle (that the antenna is mounted on) is situated. These mobile satellite antennas are popular with some recreational vehicle owners. Such mobile DBS antennas are also used by JetBlue Airways for DirecTV (supplied by LiveTV, a subsidiary of JetBlue), which passengers can view on-board on LCD screens mounted in the seats.

(d) Amateur radio: Amateur radio operators have access to the OSCAR satellites that have been designed specifically to carry amateur radio traffic. Most such satellites operate as space borne repeaters, and are generally accessed by amateurs equipped with UHF or VHF radio equipment and highly directional antennas such as Yagis or dish antennas. Due to the limitations of ground-based amateur equipment, most amateur satellites are launched into fairly low Earth orbits, and are designed to deal with only a limited number of brief contacts at any given time. Some satellites also provide data-forwarding services using the X.25 or similar protocols.

Satellite Broadband Services: In recent years, satellite communication technology has been used as a means to connect to the Internet via broadband data connections. This is can be very useful for users to test who are located in very remote areas, and can't access a wireline broadband or dialup connection.

Countries with satellite launch capability

This list includes counties with an independent capability to place satellites in orbit, including production of the necessary launch vehicle. Many more countries have built satellites that were launched with the aid of others. The French and British capabilities are now subsumed by the European Union under the European Space Agency.

First launch by country

Country Year of first launch First satellite

Russia 1957 "Sputnik 1"

United States 1958 "Explorer 1"

France 1965 "Asterix"

Japan 1970 "Osumi"

China 1970 "Dong Fang Hong I"

United Kingdom 1971 "Prospero X-3"

European Union 1979 "Ariane 1"

India 1980 "Rohini"

Israel 1988 "Ofea 1"

Iran 2005 "Sina 1"

In 1998, North Korea claimed to have launched a satellite, but this was never confirmed, and widely believed to be a cover for the test launch of the Taepodong-1 missile over Japan (See Kwangmyongsong).

Introduction and Brief History of Satellites and Communication Satellites

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Tube. Duration : 5.47 Mins.

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

BUY NOW: smarturl.it Music video by Justin Timberlake performing Suit & Tie featuring JAY Z. (C) 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

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Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

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Whether you are looking for information on how to start up a FM radio station that operates on a low power FM basis, operates on a full power frequency or alternatively streams on the internet, it is essential to first establish what the options available to you are. It is also important to understand the process for obtaining a frequency, what the licensing requirements are, and also what type of FM broadcasting equipment and studio gear you will need to run the radio station.

The following is a brief outline of some of the options that may be available. Please that not all options may be available in all countries, as license conditions do vary.

When it comes to how to start up a FM radio station, one of the options is low power FM. This type of radio station operates at lesser power than commercial stations and so they cover a smaller area. The exact area they will cover is dependent on terrain and the exact amount of power you are permitted. Again depending on the country you live in, the low power FM service may enable you to broadcast anywhere near from 500mW to 100W, and may be license-free or alternatively it may be licensed. This level of power is sufficient to cover anywhere between a radius of a few kilometres to several kilometres.

Another option is operating a full power licensed radio station. This type of frequency will give station maximum coverage and will enable you to reach as many listeners as possible. Depending on the country you live in, there can frequently be provisions to operate on a full power frequency, but either on a commercial, non-commercial or educational basis. However, operating a full power FM radio station can be a somewhat complicated process - especially during the initial stages of determining whether there are frequencies available in your area and also costing the equipment that is needed. If you want to start up a full power FM radio station, then it is essential to get expert guidance at the earliest stage. This will ensure you get the information you need to make an informed decision.

If these options don't appeal or are not available in your area, you have one other method for how to start up a FM radio station. You are able to establish a station that streams on the internet. It will be available to a worldwide audience and can stream in your choice of format. Common formats include Winamp and Windows Media Player, although generally we recommend the latter as most people won't need to download any additional software to listen to your station. This type of radio station can use a great deal of bandwidth, so it is important to have a fast speed internet connection with a high data cap limit.

When it comes to choosing the type of station you will set up, one of the most common constraints is budget. That said, it has been proven that a station can start out on a low power FM basis and successfully make the transition to operating a full power licensed commercial FM radio station. Some of the points to consider when looking how to start up a FM radio station include:

- The process for obtaining an FM frequency and what to look out for

- How many Watts you will need to achieve the broadcast coverage you want

- What your obligations will be when it comes to music royalties

- What specialist services you need before to assist you in submitting your application for a frequency

- What is the most appropriate powered transmitter and what type of antenna would be needed

- The type of radio automation software that will be used

For further information on how to start up a FM radio station please visit http://www.themulcher.com or email radio@themulcher.com

How to Start Up a FM Radio Station

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Video Clips. Duration : 5.47 Mins.

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

BUY NOW: smarturl.it Music video by Justin Timberlake performing Suit & Tie featuring JAY Z. (C) 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

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When it comes to satellite television programming, your choice usually comes down to Dish Network vs Direct TV. By comparing these two satellite television providers, you can find the one that works best for you and your television viewing, so that you make the most of the money that you spend. Where do you begin your comparison of Dish Network vs Direct TV?

You will first want to compare the number of channels and the type of channels that are offered from each satellite provider.

Here is the basic rundown of the offerings of each service. For around per month, Dish Network offers a satellite package of 100 top channels with the local channels. For the same amount, Direct TV offers a package of 140 top channels and includes 50 XM Satellite radio channels as well. This price for the Direct TV includes local channels as well.

By comparing the offerings for each price that fits your budget, you can find the right satellite provider for you and your needs.

Another comparison that you will want to make is the price of the components that are needed to get the satellite programming.

For the most part, these components are offered free if you sign up for service for a particular length of time, but sometimes there is a rental fee that is associated with components, which can cause your monthly fee to be more than the programming cost.

Be sure that you read the fine print of your contract to be sure that you completely understand the terms, so that there will not be any surprises.

Customer service is much the same for both companies. They each offer a 24 hour a day, seven days a week customer service line, which will allow you to get in touch with them any time that you need it.

Dish Network is ranked #1 in customer service for cable and satellite providers, but Direct TV is right behind them at #2. This shows you how much they value their customers and work to keep them happy versus cable providers.

One thing that Direct TV offers you that Dish Network doesn't is some really cool sports viewing ability. This does cost extra, but the bird's eye view and extra features that you get from these packages may be well worth the additional cost.

The sports that offer you these amazing views are NASCAR, NBA basketball, major league baseball, NFL football, hockey, and more. If you are a sports fanatic, then you will want to consider Direct TV for this programming.

When comparing Dish Network vs Direct TV, you will want to include those parts of television viewing or features that are important to you. If price is your main consideration, then use this as the main comparison. If sports are your thing, then use sports as your main comparison.

By customizing your comparisons to your viewing and needs, you will find the right satellite programming option for you and your needs.

Dish Network Vs Direct TV

Home Radio Xm


Video Clips. Duration : 5.47 Mins.

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

BUY NOW: smarturl.it Music video by Justin Timberlake performing Suit & Tie featuring JAY Z. (C) 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

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Most BMW fans have been quite pleased with the BMW 3 series audio by Harman Kardon, which has generally been rated as being one of the best in the world. According to the automotive website Edmunds.com, "...the bass is deep, the highs are clear and the system sounds good no matter what type of music you're listening to." Base BMW 3 series stereos are impressive to be sure, with ten speakers and .mp3 capability.

Nonetheless, those for whom "great" is not enough will be pleased to know that the BMW 3Series audio system is easily upgraded to include satellite and high-definition radio functions, especially for those vehicles that were built prior to 2006. Upgrades for BMW 3 Series stereos include a wide range of equipment, from iPod integration kits to factory radio upgrades. Now, if you've owned a Bimmer for any length of time, you know that anything having to do with BMW 3 Series stereos or anything else is usually expensive. However, most of these BMW 3 Series audio upgrades are moderately priced - in most cases, under 0. Although you may wish to have any BMW 3 series audio upgrades installed professionally, installation is usually not difficult and can be accomplished in a few hours with simple tools.

So - what upgrades should one choose for their BMW 3 Series audio? Here is where you'll have to do some homework; there are many excellent BMW 3 Series audio upgrades available, and which one you might want depends a great deal on your tastes in music, how much space in the vehicle you are willing to give over to a sound system, and of course, your budget. Those who are thinking of upgrading their BMW 3 Series stereos themselves rather than having it done professionally may want to consider a simple "plug and play" upgrade package, which can simplify the process tremendously.

BMW 3 Series Audio Systems

Home Radio Xm


Video Clips. Duration : 5.47 Mins.

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

BUY NOW: smarturl.it Music video by Justin Timberlake performing Suit & Tie featuring JAY Z. (C) 2012 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z

No URL Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie (Audio) ft. JAY Z


Most BMW fans have been quite pleased with the BMW 3 series audio by Harman Kardon, which has generally been rated as being one of the best in the world. According to the automotive website Edmunds.com, "...the bass is deep, the highs are clear and the system sounds good no matter what type of music you're listening to." Base BMW 3 series stereos are impressive to be sure, with ten speakers and .mp3 capability.

Nonetheless, those for whom "great" is not enough will be pleased to know that the BMW 3Series audio system is easily upgraded to include satellite and high-definition radio functions, especially for those vehicles that were built prior to 2006. Upgrades for BMW 3 Series stereos include a wide range of equipment, from iPod integration kits to factory radio upgrades. Now, if you've owned a Bimmer for any length of time, you know that anything having to do with BMW 3 Series stereos or anything else is usually expensive. However, most of these BMW 3 Series audio upgrades are moderately priced - in most cases, under 0. Although you may wish to have any BMW 3 series audio upgrades installed professionally, installation is usually not difficult and can be accomplished in a few hours with simple tools.

So - what upgrades should one choose for their BMW 3 Series audio? Here is where you'll have to do some homework; there are many excellent BMW 3 Series audio upgrades available, and which one you might want depends a great deal on your tastes in music, how much space in the vehicle you are willing to give over to a sound system, and of course, your budget. Those who are thinking of upgrading their BMW 3 Series stereos themselves rather than having it done professionally may want to consider a simple "plug and play" upgrade package, which can simplify the process tremendously.

BMW 3 Series Audio Systems

Home Radio Xm


Video Clips. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

The Daylight (Playing For Change) video is part of the Playing For Change music project series which brings together musicians from around the world. All profits go to their non profit foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. All PFC performers where recorded and filmed live outside and this musical journey takes us from the streets to the stage to the hearts of the people. Playing For Change is a movement uniting people everywhere through music. Music video by Maroon 5 performing Daylight Play for Change. (C) 2012 A&M/Octone Records

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

No URL Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


Most BMW fans have been quite pleased with the BMW 3 series audio by Harman Kardon, which has generally been rated as being one of the best in the world. According to the automotive website Edmunds.com, "...the bass is deep, the highs are clear and the system sounds good no matter what type of music you're listening to." Base BMW 3 series stereos are impressive to be sure, with ten speakers and .mp3 capability.

Nonetheless, those for whom "great" is not enough will be pleased to know that the BMW 3Series audio system is easily upgraded to include satellite and high-definition radio functions, especially for those vehicles that were built prior to 2006. Upgrades for BMW 3 Series stereos include a wide range of equipment, from iPod integration kits to factory radio upgrades. Now, if you've owned a Bimmer for any length of time, you know that anything having to do with BMW 3 Series stereos or anything else is usually expensive. However, most of these BMW 3 Series audio upgrades are moderately priced - in most cases, under 0. Although you may wish to have any BMW 3 series audio upgrades installed professionally, installation is usually not difficult and can be accomplished in a few hours with simple tools.

So - what upgrades should one choose for their BMW 3 Series audio? Here is where you'll have to do some homework; there are many excellent BMW 3 Series audio upgrades available, and which one you might want depends a great deal on your tastes in music, how much space in the vehicle you are willing to give over to a sound system, and of course, your budget. Those who are thinking of upgrading their BMW 3 Series stereos themselves rather than having it done professionally may want to consider a simple "plug and play" upgrade package, which can simplify the process tremendously.

BMW 3 Series Audio Systems

Home Radio Xm


Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

The Daylight (Playing For Change) video is part of the Playing For Change music project series which brings together musicians from around the world. All profits go to their non profit foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. All PFC performers where recorded and filmed live outside and this musical journey takes us from the streets to the stage to the hearts of the people. Playing For Change is a movement uniting people everywhere through music. Music video by Maroon 5 performing Daylight Play for Change. (C) 2012 A&M/Octone Records

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

No URL Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


When it comes to satellite television programming, your choice usually comes down to Dish Network vs Direct TV. By comparing these two satellite television providers, you can find the one that works best for you and your television viewing, so that you make the most of the money that you spend. Where do you begin your comparison of Dish Network vs Direct TV?

You will first want to compare the number of channels and the type of channels that are offered from each satellite provider.

Here is the basic rundown of the offerings of each service. For around per month, Dish Network offers a satellite package of 100 top channels with the local channels. For the same amount, Direct TV offers a package of 140 top channels and includes 50 XM Satellite radio channels as well. This price for the Direct TV includes local channels as well.

By comparing the offerings for each price that fits your budget, you can find the right satellite provider for you and your needs.

Another comparison that you will want to make is the price of the components that are needed to get the satellite programming.

For the most part, these components are offered free if you sign up for service for a particular length of time, but sometimes there is a rental fee that is associated with components, which can cause your monthly fee to be more than the programming cost.

Be sure that you read the fine print of your contract to be sure that you completely understand the terms, so that there will not be any surprises.

Customer service is much the same for both companies. They each offer a 24 hour a day, seven days a week customer service line, which will allow you to get in touch with them any time that you need it.

Dish Network is ranked #1 in customer service for cable and satellite providers, but Direct TV is right behind them at #2. This shows you how much they value their customers and work to keep them happy versus cable providers.

One thing that Direct TV offers you that Dish Network doesn't is some really cool sports viewing ability. This does cost extra, but the bird's eye view and extra features that you get from these packages may be well worth the additional cost.

The sports that offer you these amazing views are NASCAR, NBA basketball, major league baseball, NFL football, hockey, and more. If you are a sports fanatic, then you will want to consider Direct TV for this programming.

When comparing Dish Network vs Direct TV, you will want to include those parts of television viewing or features that are important to you. If price is your main consideration, then use this as the main comparison. If sports are your thing, then use sports as your main comparison.

By customizing your comparisons to your viewing and needs, you will find the right satellite programming option for you and your needs.

Dish Network Vs Direct TV

Home Radio Xm


Video Clips. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

The Daylight (Playing For Change) video is part of the Playing For Change music project series which brings together musicians from around the world. All profits go to their non profit foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. All PFC performers where recorded and filmed live outside and this musical journey takes us from the streets to the stage to the hearts of the people. Playing For Change is a movement uniting people everywhere through music. Music video by Maroon 5 performing Daylight Play for Change. (C) 2012 A&M/Octone Records

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

No URL Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


Avis Rent a Car is the largest and leading company in the car rental industry serving its valued customers with almost 4,000 rental locations in approximately 150 countries including United States, Australia, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, New Zealand, Latin America, Argentina and the Caribbean. Avis Rent a Car is owned and operated as a subsidiary of the Avis Budget Group, Inc. The company owns about 1,275 of its locations, while franchisees operate the rest.

Together with Budget Rent a Car System, its sister company, Avis Rent a Car owns more than 310,000 top quality vehicles. The company target is to cater and meet the business travelers' needs that account for 60% of Avis' domestic revenue, with leisure renters comprising the rest. It has concentrated on airport rental locations. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avis Budget Group, which has marketing agreements with UK-based Avis Europe, a separately owned company with operations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.

It has been known and recognized throughout its history for its quality service. Because of the company's achievements in customer service and loyalty, Avis was ranked among the top brands of 2008 in the Customer Loyalty Engagement Index. They offer a range of vehicle amenities such as On-Star navigation and an emergency response system. In addition, XM Satellite Radio is free of charge in all equipped vehicles.

Avis is open for an extension of its successful global team (not a franchise). The company is giving a tremendous opportunity to supervise all aspects of an Avis off-airport location, impact our customers' service experience, and supplement you bottom line. You will be an independent operator, responsible for the growth and success of an Avis location. You will be hiring your own employees, market your operation, and promote the world-renowned Avis "We Try Harder" values. There's no need to make an initial major investment, and no limit to how much revenue you could generate.

When looking to start any business it is important, particularly considering today's market, that you look for specific ways to cut minimize or reduce overhead and risk. Any business is going to have risk, but it is important to have a full understanding of the amount of investment, start-up cost and "ROI" (Return on Investment).

Most people are not aware that 80% of ALL franchise endeavours fail in the first two to five years leaving large debts looming for years thereafter.

One way and in my opinion the best way to cut overhead, start-up and investment cost is to take advantage of the new age of entrepreneurship and start a business from the comfort of your home. Opportunities have emerged in the online market that are creating millionaires every single day. Learn more about the exciting opportunities tied to a business model that begins profitable by visiting: http://whatsbetterthanafranchise.com.

Avis Rent a Car - Franchise Review

Home Radio Xm


Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

The Daylight (Playing For Change) video is part of the Playing For Change music project series which brings together musicians from around the world. All profits go to their non profit foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. All PFC performers where recorded and filmed live outside and this musical journey takes us from the streets to the stage to the hearts of the people. Playing For Change is a movement uniting people everywhere through music. Music video by Maroon 5 performing Daylight Play for Change. (C) 2012 A&M/Octone Records

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

No URL Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


Avis Rent a Car is the largest and leading company in the car rental industry serving its valued customers with almost 4,000 rental locations in approximately 150 countries including United States, Australia, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, New Zealand, Latin America, Argentina and the Caribbean. Avis Rent a Car is owned and operated as a subsidiary of the Avis Budget Group, Inc. The company owns about 1,275 of its locations, while franchisees operate the rest.

Together with Budget Rent a Car System, its sister company, Avis Rent a Car owns more than 310,000 top quality vehicles. The company target is to cater and meet the business travelers' needs that account for 60% of Avis' domestic revenue, with leisure renters comprising the rest. It has concentrated on airport rental locations. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avis Budget Group, which has marketing agreements with UK-based Avis Europe, a separately owned company with operations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.

It has been known and recognized throughout its history for its quality service. Because of the company's achievements in customer service and loyalty, Avis was ranked among the top brands of 2008 in the Customer Loyalty Engagement Index. They offer a range of vehicle amenities such as On-Star navigation and an emergency response system. In addition, XM Satellite Radio is free of charge in all equipped vehicles.

Avis is open for an extension of its successful global team (not a franchise). The company is giving a tremendous opportunity to supervise all aspects of an Avis off-airport location, impact our customers' service experience, and supplement you bottom line. You will be an independent operator, responsible for the growth and success of an Avis location. You will be hiring your own employees, market your operation, and promote the world-renowned Avis "We Try Harder" values. There's no need to make an initial major investment, and no limit to how much revenue you could generate.

When looking to start any business it is important, particularly considering today's market, that you look for specific ways to cut minimize or reduce overhead and risk. Any business is going to have risk, but it is important to have a full understanding of the amount of investment, start-up cost and "ROI" (Return on Investment).

Most people are not aware that 80% of ALL franchise endeavours fail in the first two to five years leaving large debts looming for years thereafter.

One way and in my opinion the best way to cut overhead, start-up and investment cost is to take advantage of the new age of entrepreneurship and start a business from the comfort of your home. Opportunities have emerged in the online market that are creating millionaires every single day. Learn more about the exciting opportunities tied to a business model that begins profitable by visiting: http://whatsbetterthanafranchise.com.

Avis Rent a Car - Franchise Review

Home Radio Xm


Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

The Daylight (Playing For Change) video is part of the Playing For Change music project series which brings together musicians from around the world. All profits go to their non profit foundation which builds music schools for children around the world. All PFC performers where recorded and filmed live outside and this musical journey takes us from the streets to the stage to the hearts of the people. Playing For Change is a movement uniting people everywhere through music. Music video by Maroon 5 performing Daylight Play for Change. (C) 2012 A&M/Octone Records

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)

No URL Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


Whether you are looking for information on how to start up a FM radio station that operates on a low power FM basis, operates on a full power frequency or alternatively streams on the internet, it is essential to first establish what the options available to you are. It is also important to understand the process for obtaining a frequency, what the licensing requirements are, and also what type of FM broadcasting equipment and studio gear you will need to run the radio station.

The following is a brief outline of some of the options that may be available. Please that not all options may be available in all countries, as license conditions do vary.

When it comes to how to start up a FM radio station, one of the options is low power FM. This type of radio station operates at lesser power than commercial stations and so they cover a smaller area. The exact area they will cover is dependent on terrain and the exact amount of power you are permitted. Again depending on the country you live in, the low power FM service may enable you to broadcast anywhere near from 500mW to 100W, and may be license-free or alternatively it may be licensed. This level of power is

Source: http://homeradioxm.blogspot.com/2013/01/rv-satellite-tv-systems-get-best-system.html

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