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The Love Guru solves relationship conundrums | The Daily Aztec

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Titleless in Tenochca: I?ve been dating this guy for two months and I can tell we?re both serious about each other, but I don?t know how to get him to have ?the talk? with me. I want to have a title, but I?m not sure if he wants to. What do I do?

Love Guru: Two months is definitely enough time to get the conversation going. Take initiative, girl! I?d definitely ease into it by saying something such as, ?So my friend asked me where we stand and I didn?t know what to tell her; what do you think?? Or just ask him what he thinks about relationships and titles in general. It sounds hard, but if you want something serious and he doesn?t, then you should find out soon before you waste any more time.

Be prepared if he doesn?t want a title and ask yourself why a title is so important. If he isn?t seeing anyone else, then maybe you should put on the brakes for a little bit longer. Don?t ruin what you have because you?re too focused on the future. Living in the moment is part of the fun with a new relationship.

He should know what?s going through your head, but I would avoid telling him everything on your mind. Tell him the direction you want to be going in and stay open-minded.


Delayed Destiny: I?m in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend. The girl and I have a lot in common and I really feel like she may be the one. What should I do?


Love Guru: This, my friend, must be one of the toughest predicaments for a man to be in. But have no fear?for if you truly love this girl, your heart will stop at nothing to win her over and this attitude will take you a long way. First things first: Don?t rush it. This is a delicate situation that needs to be carefully thought through before making any irrational moves. Think like a lion. No, I?m not saying to stalk her and then pounce the second she looks away, but, rather, be observant from a distance. Talk with her via text or other electronic communication; just keep the conversation casual and fun. She may eventually begin talking about her current boyfriend and the things she both likes and dislikes. Use this information to your advantage.

But waiting only works for so long before things may become serious between them. You must make your presence known after a while. I?m not advising you to become a home wrecker, but I?m advising you to eventually be able to tell it like it is to this girl so she knows what?s going on. As far as confrontation with the boyfriend goes, I have one simple rule?always be the bigger man. This will show a great deal of maturity, which she is bound to recognize and admire. Good luck, dude.


Decision Deadlock: I have been with my boyfriend since high school and have been trying to make the long distance work for the past year and a half. We have been fighting lately and I feel like we barely have anything in common anymore. He is my first boyfriend, so I am having trouble making the decision to keep us going or to break it off.


Love Guru: First loves can be a tricky subject because there is so much history. In addition to the struggles of a first love, you?re also dealing with long distance which can be extremely challenging as well. It seems like you aren?t entirely sure what your head and heart want. I recommend creating a pros and cons list. Reflect back on all of the great things you two have shared together, but also think about the negative aspects of your situation. If you notice the cons outweigh the pros, you?ll know what to do. You?re young and in college, maybe it?s time to branch out and try something new.

Source: http://www.thedailyaztec.com/2013/01/the-love-guru-solves-relationship-conundrums-2/

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